Stand-alone Tools

Aug 14, 2017

AppDNA comes with two stand-alone web application capture tools. These can be run on machines that do not have AppDNA installed.

  • Stand-alone web application capture tool. This is a stand-alone version of the AppDNA directed spider. This has the same configuration options as the built-in version but has an additional option to generate an MSI. (When you run the capture from inside AppDNA, an MSI is always generated and automatically imported.)
  • Stand-Alone web application source to MSI converter. This can generate an MSI file from a set of source files. You can use this to generate an MSI from a web application’s source files. Because this tool can be run independently of AppDNA, you can send it to the web application administrators and ask them to run it on the web server, for example. Afterwards they simply send you the MSI files and you import them into AppDNA on the Web Direct Import tab in the Import Web Applications screen. This means that you do not need to request permissions to access the web application source files on the server.

If you are using the stand-alone tools and want to combine the output of the spider with the web application’s source files, run the spider without selecting the option to create an MSI and then run the MSI Generator over the combined set of files (the output from the spider and the source files).