
Aug 14, 2017

This topic provides information about the columns in the Discover Applications screen. You can drag a column to group the discovered applications by the data in that column, as described in Application list.

The columns in the Discover Applications screen are as follows:

Rationalize – The discovered application’s rationalization status – this can be Review, Migrate, Retire. Initially discovered applications are in the Review state. You change this manually by using the drop-down list in this column. To change this for multiple discovered applications, CTRL-click or SHIFT-click the applications in this column, right-click and from the shortcut menu, choose Review, Migrate, or Retire.

Name – The name of the application. Click to open the Application Details dialog box, which shows detailed information about the application, including the names of the users who have run the application and the machines on which it has been run. This is useful if, for example, you are having difficulty locating the application’s installer and want to contact the people who actually use the application. See Discovered application details for more information.

Manufacturer – The manufacturer of the application.

Version – The application’s version number.

Installed machines – The number of computers on which the application has been installed.

% Installed machines – The number of computers on which the application has been installed expressed as a percentage of all of the computers that SysTrack has tracked. This value is rounded to a whole number – which means, for example, that 0% may represent a small number of machines and 100% may not represent all machines.

Active machines – The number of computers on which the application has actually been used in the period of time that the SysTrack database covers.

% Active machines – The number of active computers expressed as a percentage of the total number of computers on which the application is installed.

Active users – The number of users who have actually used the application in the period of time that the SysTrack database covers.

% Active users – The number of active users expressed as a percentage of the total number of users of the application.

Usage count – The total number of times the application has been used in the period of time that the SysTrack database covers.

Usage per year – The usage count divided by the number of years that the SysTrack database covers.

Usage per month – The usage count divided by the number of months that the SysTrack database covers.

Usage per day – The usage count divided by the number of days that the SysTrack database covers.

First usage – The earliest date that SysTrack detected the use of the application.

Last usage – The most recent date that SysTrack has detected the use of the application.

Managed – Indicates whether the application has been matched to an application that is managed through Active Directory or ConfigMgr.

Imported – Indicates whether the managed application with which the discovered application has been matched has been imported into AppDNA.

Best Suggestion – Indicates whether there are any managed applications that are possible matches for the application and if so, how close the match is. Possible values are: Perfect, Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, None. For information about how AppDNA does the matching, see Matching algorithm.