Remediate web applications

Aug 14, 2017

The web application compatibility remediation report views provide detailed information about how to rework the web application code to resolve the issues identified. This topic provides information about other remediation options that you can use – for example, if you do not have access to the source code. However, these options should typically be considered a short term solution until the web application can be redeveloped.

Internet Explorer document compatibility

There are a number of compatibility modes in Internet Explorer 8 and later. These compatibility modes determine how web pages are interpreted and displayed. If your web application is not compatible with the target version of Internet Explorer, you can optionally set the web application to use an appropriate compatibility mode. There are several approaches to setting the compatibility mode:

  • Using a Group Policy Object (GPO) – You can add the web application to one of the following group policies so that it is rendered in IE7 Standards or Quirks document mode, respectively. This approach is useful if the web application is hosted externally and you do not have access to the source code.

    Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Compatibility View\Use Policy List of Internet Explorer 7 sites Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Compatibility View\Use Policy List of Quirks Mode sites

    See for more information.

  • Using a meta tag in the page header – If you have access to the web application’s source code, you can use a meta tag in the page header to specify that the page is to run in a particular mode like this:

    ``` pre codeblock

    My page


    Where Value is one of the values in the following table.

    Value Description
    5 Render the page as if Internet Explorer is running in Quirks document mode, which is similar to how content was rendered in Internet Explorer 5.
    7 Ignore the DocType if present and render the page as if Internet Explorer 7 is running in IE7 Standards document mode.
    8 Ignore the DocType if present and render the page as if Internet Explorer 8 is running in IE8 Standards document mode.
    9 Ignore the DocType if present and render the page as if Internet Explorer 9 is running in IE9 Standards document mode.
    EmulateIE7 Respect the DocType and render the page as if Internet Explorer 7 is running in IE7 Standards or Quirks document mode.
    EmulateIE8 Respect the DocType and render the page as if Internet Explorer 8 is running in IE8 Standards or Quirks document mode.
    EmulateIE9 Respect the DocType and render the page as if Internet Explorer 9 is running in IE9 Standards or Quirks document mode.
    Edge Use the highest mode available. Not recommended in production environments.

    See for more information.

  • Using a custom header on the web server – If the web application is hosted internally, you can use a meta tag in the HTTP headers on the web server to specify that the entire site is to run in a particular mode. The details of how to do this vary depending on the type of web server (for example, whether it is IIS or Apache). However, the options are the same as described above for using a meta tag in the page header.

    For example, for an IIS server, you can add a section to the web.config file to provide meta tags in HTTP headers like this:

    ``` pre codeblock


    See for more information.

Using a virtual browser environment

When other options fail to resolve the issue, you could consider running the web application natively in the supported version of the browser delivered using a virtualization technology such as Med-V or Citrix Terminal Server.