Access to the Shared Folder

Aug 14, 2017

Sometimes during the initial setup of a virtual machine for Install Capture, you may find that the virtual machine cannot access the shared folder where the input files (and the output files if you are using the option to copy the results) are stored. When this happens, you can use the following steps to attempt to determine the cause.

Note: These instructions assume that the shared folder is on the AppDNA machine. If the shared folder is on a different machine (such as a network share), adjust the instructions accordingly.

Test the virtual network adapter

Ensure the virtual network adapter is working properly within the virtual machine. To do this, open a command prompt on the virtual machine and type the following:

``` pre codeblock ping

If the adapter is working properly you will see ping replies, such as:

``` pre codeblock
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

If you do not see ping replies, repeat the configuration steps for the virtual machine network on the virtual machine.

Test the virtual network

To test the virtual network, type the following in a command prompt on the virtual machine:

``` pre codeblock ping

If the virtual network is working properly you will see ping replies from the virtual server host, such as:

``` pre codeblock
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

If you do not see ping replies, check whether the firewall on the virtual machine or the AppDNA machine is restricting access to ICMP traffic and if so, correct it.

Test that the virtual machine can see the shared folder

To test that the virtual machine can see the shared folder on the AppDNA machine, type the following in a command prompt on the virtual machine:

``` pre codeblock net view \

This should show the shared folder. If not, it means that the firewall on the virtual machine or the AppDNA machine is restricting access to SMB / CIFS traffic, or the user logged on to the virtual machine does not have the necessary privileges. If necessary, correct the issues.

## List the files in the shared folder

Type the following in a command prompt on the virtual machine:

``` pre codeblock
dir \\<AppDNA machine IP address>\<Shared folder>

This should show a listing of the files in the shared folder. If not, it means that the firewall on the virtual machine or the AppDNA machine is restricting access to SMB / CIFS traffic, or the user logged on to the virtual machine does not have the necessary privileges. If necessary, correct the issues.

Test that the virtual machine can access the shared folder

On the virtual machine, check that you can access the shared folder on the AppDNA machine. For example, type the following into the Windows Start > Run prompt:

pre codeblock \\<AppDNA machine IP address>\<Shared folder>

If this opens the shared folder on the AppDNA machine, it verifies that the virtual machine can access it.