NetScaler xDS adapter: A way to intgrate NetScaler with Istio Service Mesh

A service mesh is an infrastructure layer that handles communication between microservices and provides capabilities like service discovery, load balancing, security, and monitoring. Istio is an open source and platform-independent service mesh that connects, monitors, and secures microservices.

NetScaler has advanced traffic management capabilities for enhancing application performance and provides comprehensive security. NetScaler integrations with Istio allow you to secure and optimize traffic for applications in the service mesh using NetScaler features.

The NetScaler xDS adapter is a container for integrating NetScaler with service mesh control plane implementations based on xDS APIs (Istio, Consul, and so on). It communicates with the service mesh control plane and listens for updates by acting as a gRPC client to the control plane API server. Based on the updates from the control plane, the NetScaler xDS-Adaptor generates the equivalent NetScaler configuration.

NetScaler can be integrated with Istio in the following ways:

  • NetScaler CPX, MPX, or VPX as an Ingress Gateway to the service mesh.
  • NetScaler CPX as a sidecar proxy with application containers in the service mesh.
  • NetScaler CPX as an Egress Gateway for the service mesh.
  • NetScaler VPX as an Egress Gateway

NetScaler as an Ingress Gateway for Istio

An Istio ingress gateway acts as an entry point for the incoming traffic and secures and controls access to the service mesh from outside. It also performs routing and load balancing. NetScaler CPX, MPX, or VPX can be deployed as an ingress gateway to the Istio service mesh.

NetScaler CPX as a sidecar proxy for Istio

In an Istio service mesh, a sidecar proxy runs alongside application pods and it intercepts and manage incoming and outgoing traffic for applications. NetScaler CPX can be deployed as the sidecar proxy in the application pods. A sidecar proxy applies the configured routing policies or rules to the ingress and egress traffic from the pod.

NetScaler as an Egress Gateway for Istio

An Egress Gateway defines the traffic exit point from a service mesh. The NetScaler as an Egress Gateway performs load balancing, monitoring at the edge of the service mesh. It also provides routing rules to exit the Istio service mesh.

NetScaler VPX as an Egress Gateway

An Egress Gateway defines the traffic exit point from a service mesh. NetScaler VPX can be deployed as an Egress Gateway to the Istio service mesh. In this deployment, a Kubernetes pod is deployed with a NetScaler xDS adapter container. The NetScaler xDS adapter container connects to the Istio control plane and reads the egress configuration and then configures the NetScaler VPX accordingly.

For information on NetScaler xDS adapter deployment architecture, see Deployment architecture.

NetScaler xDS adapter: A way to intgrate NetScaler with Istio Service Mesh