
Aug 14, 2017

Application analysis is a dedicated SQL Server database process that combines all of the information AppDNA has about the application, analyzes it against each selected target technology, and generates the report data.

AppDNA analysis

Typically you only need to analyze applications once. However, you may need to re-analyze applications if you customize reports or import additional operating system (OS) images. Similarly if you decide to assess your applications for another technology, you will need to analyze the applications for the relevant report.

For desktop applications, you  analyze applications after import. You can also choose which modules to analyze.. Alternatively, import the applications without analysis.

For web applications, Analysis can be run after the import has finished.

To select the applications to analyze:

  • From the side bar, choose Import & Analyze > Analyze to open the Analyze applications screen. Then select the applications that you want to analyze.
  • In the Import Applications or Import Web Applications screen, select the applications you want to analyze after they have loaded successfully.
  • In the Application List screen, select the applications that you want to analyze.
  • In the Manage Groups screen, select the groups and/or applications that you want to analyze.

To start the analysis: Click Analyze on the toolbar and choose the reports and licensing option to use in the analysis. The upper part of the screen shows the progress through the algorithms in each report. The lower part of the screen shows a detailed log.

To view a report: Select it and click Finish. Alternatively, you can view reports later, from either the Application List or the Reports: Applications section of the side bar.