Configure External Data Source

Aug 14, 2017

  1. From the AppDNA menus, choose Configure > External Data.
  2. In the list of external data sources in the External Data Administration screen, select the data source that you want to configure.
  3. In the Configuration section, select the options that you want to use when matching applications in the data source with applications in your AppDNA portfolio.
    • Ignore Whitespace. Select this check box if you want AppDNA to ignore extra space and tab characters when matching applications. This is the default. Clear this check box if you want AppDNA to take differences in white space into account when matching applications.
    • Case Insensitive. Select this check box if you want AppDNA to match applications case insensitively. This is the default. Clear this check box if you want AppDNA to match applications case sensitively.
  4. In the Data Source Context section, select the reports to which you want the external data source to apply.
  5. On the main toolbar, click Save to preserve your changes.
  6. If you want to apply your changes to your application portfolio, click Apply External Data on the main toolbar.