Self-Provisioning toolbar

Aug 14, 2017

You use the Self-Provisioning tab in the Import Applications screen to administer and manage the Self-Provisioning process. The procedure is different depending on which mode you are using, connected or disconnected.

To open the Self-Provisioning tab:

  1. From the AppDNA side bar, choose Import & Analyze > Applications.
  2. Click the Self-Provisioning tab.

The toolbar on the Self-Provisioning tab in the Import Applications screen provides the following options:

Publish button Publish. Create Self-Provisioning client instruction files (called appcapture.desc) for the selected applications. These are used by the Self-Provisioning client to capture the application for import into AppDNA.

Refresh button Refresh status. Refresh the status of the applications on the screen. This automatically updates the screen with the results from Self-Provisioning captures that were run in connected mode.

Publish button Load published. Load applications that have been previously published. Specify the search options and click Search. AppDNA then searches for matching applications for which there are published instruction files and lists them on the Self-Provisioning tab. Note that AppDNA lists the applications regardless of their status and whether they have already been imported into AppDNA.

Publish button Load results. When you are working in disconnected mode, use this button to refresh the status of the applications with the results sent by the end user. Specify the location of the Self-Provisioning output files sent by the end user, and then click Search.

Manifest List button Manifest list. Create a text file in CSV format containing a list of all published client instruction files and their corresponding applications. You can use the list to generate emails to expert users, for example.

Move to Import. Move selected applications that have a Completed status to the Direct Import tab for import into AppDNA in the normal way. This removes these applications from the Self-Provisioning tab.

Configuration button Configuration. Open the Self-Provisioning page in the Settings dialog. See Self-Provisioning settings for more information.