Add applications

Aug 14, 2017

To support application lifecycle management, you can add application placeholders or “stubs” in AppDNA, against which you can collect and track information using properties, attributes, and attachments without the requirement to import the application immediately. 

For example, as an IT administrator, you have received a request for a new financial application. Even if you do not yet have access to the installer, you can still begin to collect and track information about that application as it becomes available.

You can import the application as part of the same step if the installer is available. Alternatively, you can import it later.

To add a new application placeholder or “stub”:

1. Select Applications.

2. From the Applications List, select Add.

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3. In Create Application, add a name to represent the application, and optionally specify addtional information.

4. Select the Import your application now; click Browse to locate the application you want to import.

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If you do not have access to the installer for the application, leave this blank and import later (right-click on the application stub > Import).

5. Click OK.

The application or application “stub” is added to the application list.

6. Select Properties to manage application attributes, attachments and other properties of the application or application “stub”.

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