Application list

Aug 14, 2017

AppDNA provides an application list from which you manage your application portfolio. For example, you can view the list of applications, view application attributes, analyze the application DNA against selected reports, and use the Report Viewer. You can also delete applications from the portfolio and edit an application’s name, manufacturer and version number.

You can also sort, group, and filter the application list for analysis and reporting. These features are especially useful if you have a large portfolio.

To open the Application List, click Applications in the AppDNA side bar.

Select applications

To: Do this:
Select all of the items in the list Press CTRL+A (or choose Edit > Select All from the menus)
Deselect all of the items in the list Press CTRL+D (or choose Edit > Deselect All from the menus)
Invert the selection Press CTRL+I (or choose Edit > Invert Selection from the menus)
Select multiple adjacent items Click the first item you want to select, then hold down SHIFT and click the last item you want to select. Then press CTRL+M (or choose Edit > Select Marked from the menus)
Select multiple non-adjacent items Hold down CTRL and click the items you want to select, and then press CTRL+M (or choose Edit > Select Marked from the menus)
Deselect multiple adjacent items Click the first item you want to select, then hold down SHIFT and click the last item you want to select. Then press CTRL+U (or choose Edit > Deselect Marked from the menus)
Deselect multiple non-adjacent items Hold down CTRL and click the items you want to select, and then press CTRL+U (or choose Edit > Deselect Marked from the menus)
Select applications in a group From the Group drop-down box on the toolbar, choose the group whose applications you want to select.


Add - Add a new application, or application placeholder or “stub”. Creates a new application record in AppDNA, against which you can collect and track information using properties, attributes, and attachments, without the requirement to import the application immediately.

Delete iconDelete - Deletes selected applications from the AppDNA application portfolio. This does not delete the desktop application fingerprints. This means that if you delete a licensed desktop application and then import it again, it will reuse the same license.

Export filter iconExport Filter - Saves a filter to an XML file for reuse. See Filter applications for more information about setting up, clearing, saving, and importing filters.

Import filter iconImport filter - Imports a previously saved filter and immediately filters the list of applications according to the criteria in the saved filter.

Report type - Use this drop-down list to select a report to view.

View report - Click to view the selected report for the selected items. (An application must be analyzed before you can see meaningful data for it in the reports.)

Analyze - Click to analyze the selected applications. See Analyze applications for more information.

Group - Use this drop-down list to select the applications in a particular group, all of the applications in the list, or to deselect all of the applications in the list.

Key columns in the Application List

To group the applications in the Application List by the data in any of the columns: Drag the header of the column to the Drag a column header here to group by that column bar. When you no longer want to group the applications, drag the column header back to the header bar.

To include an item in analysis or reports: Select the application.

Application status is as follows:

  • Ready — The application has been imported successfully and is ready to be analyzed.
  • Analyzed — The application has been analyzed (for one or more reports).
  • Stale — The status changes from analyzed to stale if the application needs re-analyzing. This happens when changes are made to the modules, algorithms, or algorithm groups – for example, if algorithms or algorithm groups are switched on or off.