Create a template

Use the following set of instructions to create templates in RightSignature.


  1. From the RightSignature dashboard, select Templates in the left menu bar, then select Create Template.

  2. Select Upload A File to open the document you want to build a template with.

  3. If replacing the underlying source file used to create the template, select the red x. Afterwards, select the new source file of the template.

  4. Select Prepare Document to continue editing.

  5. First, edit the roles on the template - change the role names, edit the order, or add/delete roles.

    Set up fields for signing

  6. Select Next: Place Fields to create the signer and annotation fields for the template.

    Set up fields for signing

  7. Next use the document overlay options to add, change, and remove various types of fields. When finished with edits to the document, click Next: Review.

    Set up fields for signing

  8. Select Create Template.

Create a template