Fixed issues in 2.9 LTSR CU7

HDX RealTime Optimization Pack 2.9 Cumulative Update 7 (CU7) contains all fixes that were included in HDX RealTime Optimization Pack 2.9, Cumulative Update 1, Cumulative Update 2, Cumulative Update 3, Cumulative Update 4, Cumulative Update 5, Cumulative Update 6, plus the following fixes:

  • This fix allows you to check and set the results to false for AEC support for specified hardware. To enable the fix, set the following registry key:


    Name: AecHWCheckExclusionList

    Type: REG_SZ

    Value: False


  • The following enhancements are made to improve the user experience:

    • Enable AEC in some headsets.

    • Set the following registry key to remove the echo generation at the end-point for the headsets:


      Name: AecHWCheckExclusionList

      Type: REG_SZ

      Value: False


Fixed issues in 2.9 LTSR CU7