Profile Management 7.15 LTSR

Profile Management 7.15 LTSR (PDF Download)

Documentation for this product version is provided as a PDF because it is not the latest version. For the most recently updated content, see the Profile Management current release documentation.


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Profile Management is intended as a profile solution for XenApp servers, virtual desktops created with XenDesktop, and physical desktops. You install Profile Management on each computer whose profiles you want to manage.

Active Directory Group Policy Objects allow you to control how Citrix user profiles behave. Although many settings can be adjusted, in general you only need to configure a subset, as described in these topics.

The best way of choosing the right set of policy selections to suit your deployment is to answer the questions in the Decide on a configuration topic. Usage rights for Profile Management are described in the EULA.

For information on the terminology used in these topics, see Glossary.

Profile Management 7.15 LTSR