Session Recording

Fixed issues in 2402 LTSR CU2

  • When you use a VDA with Windows server 2016 EN and the Session recording agent 2203cu3 (, the Session recording Agent service fails on start and is terminated unexpectedly. [CVADHELP-24057]
  • You may encounter an error when opening Session Recording Server properties after changing settings and applying them with FIPS enabled. [CVADHELP-25906]
  • You may experience a failure when upgrading the Session Recording Administrator MSI for domain admins during the session recording server upgrade. [CVADHELP-26841]
  • The feature Drop H264 packages may not work in Release 2311 and 2402 cu and cu1. It is fixed in 2402 cu2 and 2411. [SRT-13478]
  • When installing the Session Recording server with SQL authentication and an existing database, the installation may fail due to a missing SQL authentication flag. [CVADHELP-25906]
  • You might encounter an upgrade failure when supporting dynamic trigger recording in event-only mode for the session recording server.[CVADHELP-27120]
  • You may experience a Session Recording Agent overflow when upgrading the Session Recording Administrator. [CVADHELP-27151]
  • You may experience a failure when upgrading the Session Recording Administrator MSI for domain admins during the session recording server upgrade. [CVADHELP-26840]
  • If you enable SSL in IIS settings during an upgrade, the upgrade may fail as certain objects bypass protection. [CVADHELP-26868]
Fixed issues in 2402 LTSR CU2