
Application & Process Performance Metrics

Process Detail

uberAgent collects rich metrics per process & per application. This includes the user and domain, CPU & RAM usage as well as network latency & throughput, to name just a few.


  • Processes are auto-grouped into applications, i.e., the application name is determined automatically. Information on how automatic application identification works is available here.


  • Source type: uberAgent:Process:ProcessDetail
  • Used in dashboards: Process Performance, Application Performance, Machine Performance, Application Usage, Process GPU, Single Machine Detail, Single Application Detail, Single User Detail, Analyze data over time
  • Enabled through configuration setting: ProcessDetailTop5 or ProcessDetailFull
  • Related configuration settings: [ProcessToApplicationMapping], [ApplicationMappingIgnoredProcesses], [ProcessDetailFull_Filter], [ProcessDetail_SendCommandline], [ProcessStartupSettings]

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Platform Example
ProcName Process name. String   Snapshot all chrome.exe
ProcCPUTimeMs Process CPU usage (absolute usage in milliseconds). Number ms Sum all 5000
ProcCPUPercent Process CPU usage (relative usage in percent). Number % Average all 12
ProcIOPSRead Process I/O read operations per second. Number   Average Win 200
ProcIOPSWrite Process I/O write operations per second. Number   Average Win 200
ProcIOReadCount Process I/O read operation count. Number   Count Win 100
ProcIOWriteCount Process I/O write operation count. Number   Count Win 100
ProcIOReadMB Process I/O read data volume. Number MB Sum all 150
ProcIOWriteMB Process I/O write data volume. Number MB Sum all 150
ProcIOLatencyReadMs2 Latency of process I/O read operations. Number ms Average Win 300
ProcIOLatencyWriteMs2 Latency of process I/O write operations. Number ms Average Win 300
ProcWorkingSetMB Process RAM usage (working set). Number MB Snapshot all 100
ProcNetKBPS Process network traffic data volume per second. macOS: includes payload + protocol overhead, Windows: payload only. Number KB/s Sum all 500
ProcUser Process user. String   Snapshot all Domain\JohnDoe
ProcGpuComputePercent Process GPU compute usage (relative usage in percent). Number % Average Win 20
ProcGpuMemMB Process GPU memory usage. Number MB Average Win 150
AppId Associated application ID. Used by uberAgent to lookup application names and populate field AppName. String   Snapshot all GglChrm
AppVersion Associated application version. String   Snapshot all 67.0.3396.99
ProcID Process ID generated by the OS. Process IDs are reused and cannot be used to uniquely identify a process. Use ProcGUID for that purpose instead. Number   Snapshot all 456
ProcCmdline The process’ command line. String   Snapshot all C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –url http://vastlimits.com
ProcGUID Unique identifier for a process instance that is generated by uberAgent. String   Snapshot all 00000000-ebe5-469c-63ae-f5a1de28d401
ProcGpuEngineMostUsed The ID of the most used GPU engine (requires at least Windows 10 1709). Number   Snapshot Win 1
ProcGpuEngineMostUsedDisplayName The display name of the most used GPU engine (requires at least Windows 10 1709). String   Snapshot Win 3D
SessionID Session ID generated by the OS. Session IDs are reused and cannot be used to uniquely identify a session. Use SessionGUID for that purpose instead. Number   Snapshot all 1


  • The following fields are empty unless EnableExtendedInfo is set to true: ProcGUID.
  • The following field is empty unless EnableExtendedInfo and [ProcessDetail_SendCommandline] are configured: ProcCmdline.

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Where available Example
ProcCPUTimeS Process CPU usage (absolute usage in seconds). Number s Sum Splunk data model 5
ProcIOCount ProcIOReadCount + ProcIOWriteCount. String   Sum Splunk data model 200
ProcIOPS ProcIOPSRead + ProcIOPSWrite. Number   Sum Splunk data model 400
ProcIOMB ProcIOReadMB + ProcIOWriteMB. Number MB Sum Splunk data model 300
ProcIOMBPS ProcIOMB / ProcIOCount x ProcIOPS. Number MB Sum Splunk data model 600
ProcIOLatencyMs ProcIOLatencyReadMs + ProcIOLatencyWriteMs. Number ms Sum Splunk data model 600
ProcIODurationReadMS ProcIOLatencyMsRead x ProcIOCountRead. Number ms Sum Splunk data model 30000
ProcIODurationWriteMS ProcIOLatencyMsWrite x ProcIOCountWrite. Number ms Sum Splunk data model 30000
ProcIODurationMS ProcIODurationReadMS + ProcIODurationWriteMS. Number ms Sum Splunk data model 60000
User Alias for ProcUser. String   Snapshot Splunk data model Domain\JohnDoe
AppName Associated application name. String   Snapshot Splunk data model, Splunk SPL Google Chrome
time Alias for _time. Number   Snapshot Splunk data model 2018-07-31T18:34:32.451+02:00

Process Statistics

uberAgent collects rich metrics per process. This includes the handle count, page faults, and priority, to name just a few.


  • Processes are auto-grouped into applications, i.e., the application name is determined automatically. Information on how automatic application identification works is available here.


  • Source type: uberAgent:Process:ProcessStatistics
  • Used in dashboards: Process Performance, Application Performance, Single Application Detail, , Analyze data over time
  • Enabled through configuration setting: ProcessStatistics
  • Related configuration settings:

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Platform Example
ProcName Process name. String   Snapshot Win chrome.exe
ProcID Process ID generated by the OS. Process IDs are reused and cannot be used to uniquely identify a process. Use ProcGUID for that purpose instead. Number   Snapshot Win 456
ProcGUID Unique identifier for a process instance that is generated by uberAgent. String   Snapshot Win 00000000-ebe5-469c-63ae-f5a1de28d401
ProcUser Process user. String   Snapshot Win Domain\JohnDoe
AppId Associated application ID. Used by uberAgent to lookup application names and populate field AppName. String   Snapshot Win GglChrm
ProcHandleCount Process handle count. Number   Snapshot Win 810
ProcThreadCount Process thread count. Number   Snapshot Win 20
ProcPriority Process priority. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. The numerical priority is used by uberAgent to look up and populate the field ProcPriorityDisplayName. Number   Snapshot Win 4
ProcPrivateMB Process allocated private memory. Number MB Snapshot Win 512
ProcVirtualSizeMB Process allocated virtual memory. Number MB Snapshot Win 128
ProcPageFaultsPS Process page faults per second. Number s Average Win 10
ProcPageFileMB Process page file usage. Number MB Snapshot Win 256

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Where available Example
ProcPriorityDisplayName Process priority display name (see also ProcPriority). Valid values: Above normal, Below normal, High, Idle, Normal, Realtime and Unknown. String   Snapshot Splunk data model, Splunk SPL Above normal
Application & Process Performance Metrics