
Registry Event Properties

The following event properties can be used with registry events in uAQL queries (event type Reg.*). In addition to the properties listed here, the common properties are applicable, too. | Property name | uAQL Data Type | Description | Platform | | ———————– | —————- | ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- | ——– | | Reg.Key.Path | String | The absolute path of the registry key (e.g., ^HKLM\\SYSTEM\\.*ControlSet.*\\Services\\lmhosts$). Not supported for Reg.Key.Rename. | Win | | Reg.Key.Name | String | The name of the registry key - the last path element of the full path (e.g., ^lmhosts$). Not supported for Reg.Key.Rename. | Win | | Reg.Parent.Key.Path | String | The absolute path to the parent key (e.g., ^HKLM\\SYSTEM\\.*ControlSet.*\\Services$). Not supported for Reg.Key.Rename. | Win | | Reg.Key.Path.New | String | The new absolute path of the registry key (e.g., ^HKLM\\SYSTEM\\.*ControlSet.*\\Services\\lmhosts$). Only supported for Reg.Key.Rename. | Win | | Reg.Key.Path.Old | String | The old absolute path of the registry key (e.g., ^HKLM\\SYSTEM\\.*ControlSet.*\\Services\\lmhosts$). Only supported for Reg.Key.Rename. | Win | | Reg.Value.Name | String | The name of a key property (e.g., RequiredPrivileges). | Win | | Reg.Value.Data | Number or String | The content written to the registry value. | Win | | Reg.Value.Type | Number | The numeric value representing the data-type of the content written to the registry value. Possible values: 0 = REG_NONE, 1 = REG_SZ, 2 = REG_EXPAND_SZ, 3 = REG_BINARY, 4 = REG_DWORD, 4 = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 5 = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, 6 = REG_LINK, 7 = REG_MULTI_SZ, 8 = REG_RESOURCE_LIST, 9 = REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, 10 = REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST, 11 = REG_QWORD, 11 = REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN (cf. [Microsoft documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sysinfo/registry-value-types)). | Win | | Reg.File.Name | String | A file path (e.g., C:\TempHive.hiv). Supported for Reg.Key.Load, Reg.Key.Restore, Reg.Key.Save, or Reg.Key.Replace. | Win | | Reg.Key.Sddl | String | The security descriptor (SD) of a registry key. | Win | | Reg.Key.Hive | String | The name of the Hive (e.g., HKLM). | Win | | Reg.Key.Target | String | The absolute path of the registry key. Takes Reg.Key.Path.Old or Reg.Key.Path and is thus never empty. | Win |

Registry Event Properties

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