
Machine Performance And Utilization Metrics

GPU Usage

uberAgent collects information about GPU compute and memory usage.


  • Source type: uberAgent:System:GpuUsage
  • Used in dashboards: Machine GPU, Analyze data over time
  • Enabled through configuration setting: GpuUsage
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
DisplayAdapterName GPU name. String   Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
DisplayAdapterIndex GPU index. Number   1
MemorySharedMB Shared memory usage. Number MB 512
MemoryDedicatedMB Dedicated memory usage. Number MB 64
MemorySharedPercent Shared memory usage. Number % 50
MemoryDedicatedPercent Dedicated memory usage. Number % 50
MemorySharedSizeMB Shared memory size. Number MB 1024
MemoryDedicatedSizeMB Dedicated memory size. Number MB 128
ComputeUsagePercentAllEngines Compute usage for all engines. Number % 10.00

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
DisplayAdapterIndexEval GPU index - validated. Number   1 Splunk data model

GPU Usage per Engine

uberAgent collects information about GPU compute usage per engine. This requires Windows 10 1709 or newer. On older versions of Windows ComputeUsagePercentEngineN is populated instead.


  • Source type: uberAgent:System:GpuUsageEngine
  • Used in dashboards: Machine GPU
  • Enabled through configuration setting: GpuUsage
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
DisplayAdapterIndex GPU index. Number   1
GpuEngineIndex GPU engine index. Number   8
GpuEngineType GPU engine type ID. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Number   4
GpuEngineComputeUsagePercent GPU engine compute usage. Number % 10.00

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
GpuEngineCombined "GPU" + DisplayAdapterIndex + "-E" + GpuEngineIndex + " - " + GpuEngineTypeDisplayName. String   GPU1-E8-Video processing Splunk data model
GpuEngineTypeDisplayName GPU engine type name. Possible values: Other, 3D, Video decode, Video encode, Video processing, Scene assembly, Copy, Legacy overlay, Crypto. String   Video processing Splunk data model

SMB Client Performance

uberAgent collects metrics per network share the endpoint is connected to, such as share path and latency.


  • Source type: uberAgent:System:SmbClient
  • Used in dashboards: SMB Client Performance, Machine Storage, Machine Uptime, Analyze data over time
  • Enabled through configuration setting: SMBClientSharePerformance
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
SharePath Share path. String   \dc1\home
IOPSRead I/O operations read. Number   100
IOPSWrite I/O operations write. Number   100
IOPSMetadata I/O operations metadata. Number   100
IOCountRead Count of read I/O operations. Number   20
IOCountWrite Count of write I/O operations. Number   20
IOCountMetadata Count of metadata I/O operations. Number   20
IOMBRead Amount of read I/O operation data volume. Number MB 30
IOMBWrite Amount of write I/O operation data volume. Number MB 30
IOLatencyMsRead Latency of read I/O operations. Number ms 5
IOLatencyMsWrite Latency of write I/O operations. Number ms 5

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
IOPSRW IOPSRead + IOPSWrite. Number   200 Splunk data model
IOCountRW IOCountRead + IOCountWrite. Number   40 Splunk data model
IODurationReadMs IOLatencyMsRead x IOCountRead. Number ms 100 Splunk data model
IODurationWriteMs IOLatencyMsWrite x IOCountWrite. Number ms 100 Splunk data model
IODurationRWMs IODurationReadMs + IODurationWriteMs. Number ms 200 Splunk data model
IOMBRW IOMBRead + IOMBWrite. Number MB 60 Splunk data model
IOMBPSRW IOMBRW / IOCountRW x IOPSRW. Number MB 300 Splunk data model
IOLatencyMsRW IOLatencyMsRead + IOLatencyMsWrite. Number ms 10 Splunk data model

System Performance Summary


  • Source type: uberAgent:System:SystemPerformanceSummary2
  • Used in dashboards: Machine Performance, SBC Sizing and Capacity Planning, Single Machine Detail, Analyze data over time
  • Enabled through configuration setting: SystemPerformanceSummary
  • Related configuration settings: n/a

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Platform Example
CPUUsagePercent CPU usage. Number % all 20.45
RAMUsagePercent RAM usage. Number % all 12
RAMUsageGB RAM usage. Number GB all 50
IOPSRead I/O operations read. Number   all 200
IOPSWrite I/O operations write. Number   all 200
IOCountRead Count of read I/O operations. Number   all 100
IOCountWrite Count of writeI/O operations. Number   all 100
IOMBRead Amount of read I/O operation data volume. Number MB Windows 150
IOMBWrite Amount of write I/O operation data volume. Number MB Windows 150
IOLatencyMsRead Latency of read I/O operations. Number ms all 300
IOLatencyMsWrite Latency of write I/O operations. Number ms all 300
IOPercentDiskTime Disk utilization. Number % Windows 20
NetUtilizationPercent Network utilization. Number % Windows 15
KernelPagedMB Kernel paged memory usage. Number MB all 100
KernelNonPagedMB Kernel non-paged memory usage. Number MB all 300
HandleCount On Windows: Handle count. On macOS: Number of open file descriptors. Number   all 17
ThreadCount Thread count. Number   all 63
IdlenessPercent Status of the idle timer expressed as a percentage. When this value reaches 100%, the system is considered completely idle, and the OS shows the screen saver or turns the display off (depending on the configuration). Number % Windows 50
CPURelativeFrequencyPercent Average actual CPU frequency as a Percentage of the base frequency. More information. Number % Windows 21
PagefileTotalSizeGB Pagefile total size. Number GB all 8
PagefileUsagePercent Pagefile usage. Number % all 60
PagefileIOPSRead Pagefile I/O operations read. Number   Windows 300
PagefileIOPSWrite Pagefile I/O operations write. Number   Windows 300

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
TotalRamGb Total RAM size. Number ms 24 Splunk data model
IOPS IOPSRead + IOPSWrite. Number   400 Splunk data model
IOCount IOCountRead + IOCountWrite. Number   200 Splunk data model
IOMB IOMBRead + IOMBWrite. Number MB 300 Splunk data model
IOMBPS IOMB / IOCount x IOPS. Number   600 Splunk data model
IOLatencyMs IOLatencyMsRead + IOLatencyMsWrite. Number   600 Splunk data model
IODurationReadMs IOLatencyMsRead x IOCountRead. Number ms 30000 Splunk data model
IODurationWriteMs IOLatencyMsWrite x IOCountWrite. Number ms 30000 Splunk data model
IODurationMs IODurationReadMs + IODurationWriteMs. Number ms 60000 Splunk data model
User User name. Always empty. Number     Splunk data model
Machine Performance And Utilization Metrics