Common Control Panel applets
The following Control Panel applets are common in Windows:
Applet name | Canonical name |
Action Center | Microsoft.ActionCenter |
Administrative Tools | Microsoft.AdministrativeTools |
AutoPlay | Microsoft.AutoPlay |
Biometric Devices | Microsoft.BiometricDevices |
BitLocker Drive Encryption | Microsoft.BitLockerDriveEncryption |
Color Management | Microsoft.ColorManagement |
Credential Manager | Microsoft.CredentialManager |
Date and Time | Microsoft.DateAndTime |
Default Programs | Microsoft.DefaultPrograms |
Device Manager | Microsoft.DeviceManager |
Devices and Printers | Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters |
Display | Microsoft.Display |
Ease of Access Center | Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCenter |
Family Safety | Microsoft.ParentalControls |
File History | Microsoft.FileHistory |
Folder Options | Microsoft.FolderOptions |
Fonts | Microsoft.Fonts |
HomeGroup | Microsoft.HomeGroup |
Indexing Options | Microsoft.IndexingOptions |
Infrared | Microsoft.Infrared |
Internet Options | Microsoft.InternetOptions |
iSCSI Initiator | Microsoft.iSCSIInitiator |
iSNS Server | Microsoft.iSNSServer |
Keyboard | Microsoft.Keyboard |
Language | Microsoft.Language |
Location Settings | Microsoft.LocationSettings |
Mouse | Microsoft.Mouse |
MPIOConfiguration | Microsoft.MPIOConfiguration |
Network and Sharing Center | Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter |
Notification Area Icons | Microsoft.NotificationAreaIcons |
Pen and Touch | Microsoft.PenAndTouch |
Personalization | Microsoft.Personalization |
Phone and Modem | Microsoft.PhoneAndModem |
Power Options | Microsoft.PowerOptions |
Programs and Features | Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures |
Recovery | Microsoft.Recovery |
Region | Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage |
RemoteApp and Desktop Connections | Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections |
Sound | Microsoft.Sound |
Speech Recognition | Microsoft.SpeechRecognition |
Storage Spaces | Microsoft.StorageSpaces |
Sync Center | Microsoft.SyncCenter |
System | Microsoft.System |
Tablet PC Settings | Microsoft.TabletPCSettings |
Taskbar and Navigation | Microsoft.Taskbar |
Troubleshooting | Microsoft.Troubleshooting |
TSAppInstall | Microsoft.TSAppInstall |
User Accounts | Microsoft.UserAccounts |
Windows Anytime Upgrade | Microsoft.WindowsAnytimeUpgrade |
Windows Defender | Microsoft.WindowsDefender |
Windows Firewall | Microsoft.WindowsFirewall |
Windows Mobility Center | Microsoft.MobilityCenter |
Windows To Go | Microsoft.PortableWorkspaceCreator |
Windows Update | Microsoft.WindowsUpdate |
Work Folders | Microsoft.WorkFolders |
Common Control Panel applets