
Exploring the XenCenter workspace


XenCenter YYYY.x.x is not yet supported for use with Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 CU1 in production environments. To manage your Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 CU1 production environment, use XenCenter 8.2.7. For more information, see the XenCenter 8.2.7 documentation.

You can install XenCenter 8.2.7 and XenCenter YYYY.x.x on the same system. Installing XenCenter YYYY.x.x does not overwrite your XenCenter 8.2.7 installation.

A numbered diagram of the GUI layout. 1 is the label for the row at the top of the window. 2 is the label for the row below 1. 3 is the label for the panel at the middle left of the window. 4 is the label for the panel at the bottom left of the window. 5 is the label for the row across the bottom of the window. 6 is the label for the large panel in the middle right of the window. 6 is opposite 3 and 4 and is the same height as both put together.

Ref # Name Description
1 Menu bar Includes all the commands you need to manage servers, pools, SRs, VMs, and templates.
2 Toolbar Provides quick access to a subset of the most frequently used menu commands. See The Toolbar.
3 Resources pane Lists the servers, pools, VMs, templates, and SRs currently being managed from XenCenter. See The Resources Pane
4 Navigation pane Lists the navigation buttons. Click a button to see a corresponding view of the managed resources in the resources pane.
5 Status bar Displays progress information about the current task.
6 Properties tabs View and set properties for the selected resource. See The Tabs.
Exploring the XenCenter workspace

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