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  • Diagrams and Poster: Citrix ADC - File System and Process Cheat Sheet

    Richard Faulkner
    • Validation Status: Validated
      Summary: Citrix ADC consists of a highly customized ADC kernel running on top of the BSD operating system. While some files, directories and processes can be familiar, there are also numerous logs, processes, and directories that are specific to the ADC.
      Has Video?: No

    Diagrams and Poster: Citrix ADC - File System and Process Cheat Sheet

    Contributed By: Gene Whitaker

    Special Thanks To: Adrianna Pellitteri


    Citrix ADC consists of a highly customized ADC kernel running on top of the BSD operating system. While some files, directories and processes can be familiar, there are also numerous logs, processes, and directories that are specific to the ADC.

    Use this cheat sheet to understand where the ADC stores important files and the names of several ADC processes. Also, learn the locations for important log files to use when troubleshooting various issues.

    Use the following link to download Citrix ADC File System and Process Cheat Sheet .


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