Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Linux VDA data collection program

You automatically participate in the data collection program after installing the Linux VDA. The data collection program collects statistics and usage data and sends the data to Citrix Analytics to help improve the quality and performance of Citrix products. The upload of data occurs when you launch a session.

Registry settings

The Linux VDA data collection program is enabled by default. You can enable or disable the program through the following registry setting:


Name: CEIPSwitch

Value: 1 = disabled, 0 = enabled (default)

When unspecified, the Linux VDA data collection program is enabled.

You can run the following command to disable the Linux VDA data collection program:

/opt/Citrix/VDA/bin/ctxreg update -k "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\CEIP" -v "CEIPSwitch" -d "1"

Data collected from the Linux VDA

The following table gives an example of the types of data collected.

Data Point Key Name Description
Machine GUID machine_guid A GUID string identifying the machine where the data originates
Linux OS name and version os_name_version A string denoting the Linux OS name and version of the machine
AD solution ad_solution A string denoting the machine’s domain-joining method
Linux kernel version kernel_version A string denoting the machine’s kernel version
GPU type gpu_type Denoting the GPU type of the VDA machine
CPU cores cpu_cores An integer denoting the number of CPU cores of the machine
CPU frequency cpu_frequency Float denoting the CPU frequency in MHz
Physical memory size memory_size An integer denoting the physical memory size in KB
LVDA version vda_version A string denoting the installed version of the Linux VDA.
LVDA update or fresh install update_or_fresh_install A string denoting the current Linux VDA package is being freshly installed or updated
VDI mode enabled or not vdi_mode A string denoting whether VDI mode is enabled
LVDA installed method install_method A string denoting that the current Linux VDA package is installed by using MCS, PVS, easy install, or manual installation.
HDX 3D Pro enabled or not hdx_3d_pro A string denoting whether HDX 3D Pro is enabled on the machine
BCR enabled or not bcr A string denoting whether Browser content redirection (BCR) is enabled on this machine
System Locale system_locale A string denoting the locale of this machine
Farm Id farm_id A string denoting the farm ID.
VDA virtualization type vda_virtualization A string denoting the hypervisor that created the VDA
Session key session_key Identifying the session where the data originates
Resource type resource_type A string denoting the resource type of the launched session: desktop or <appname>
Receiver client type receiver_type An integer denoting the type of Citrix Workspace app used to launch the session
Receiver client version receiver_version A string denoting the version of Citrix Workspace app used to launch the session
Printing count printing_count An integer denoting the number of times the session uses the printing function
USB redirection count usb_redirecting_count An integer denoting the number of times the session uses a USB device
Gfx provider type gfx_provider_type A string denoting the graphics provider type of the session
Shadowing count shadow_count An integer denoting the number of times the session has been shadowed
User selected Language ctxism_select A composed long string that contains all languages that users have selected
Smartcard redirecting count scard_redirecting_count An integer denoting the number of times smart card redirection is used for session logons and user authentication for in-session apps
Video codec type grahpic_video_codec_type A string denoting which video codec is being used for Thinwire.
Logon credential type credentials_type An integer denoting the credential type used to log on to the Linux VDA
Watermark watermark A string denoting whether session watermark is enabled or not
Watermark transparency watermark_transparency An integer denoting the watermark transparency
Watermark custom text len watermark_custom_text_len An integer denoting the length of watermark custom text
MTU mtu A string denoting whether the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is used in this session
MTU MSS mtu_mss An integer denoting the Maximum Segment Size (MSS)
File Transfer filetrans An integer denoting the file transfer policy settings
File Transfer Upload Count filetrans_upload_count An integer denoting the number of times the “Upload” icon is used for file transfers in the session
File Transfer Download Count filetrans_download_count An integer denoting the number of times the “Download” icon is used for file transfers in the session
Linux VDA data collection program