Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator

API guide for Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator

To access the Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator service API Guide on the Swagger UI, you need to authenticate yourself using an API key.

The following procedure provides instructions on generating an API key and using it for authentication.

  1. Log into your Citrix Cloud account and navigate to Identity and Access management > API Access.


    If you are a partner running APIs on behalf of your customer, log into the customer’s Citrix Cloud account using the Change Customer option or obtain the authentication and relevant API parameters from the customer.

    Identity and access management

    Create secure client

  2. Provide a name for your secure client and click Create Client. An ID and secret key is generated. Use the ID and secret to authenticate yourself when using APIs to manage your network.


    Download the ID and the Secret and store it securely. You cannot access the secret after closing the window.

    ID and Secret


    For security reasons, it is advised to delete the API Key entries from Citrix Cloud when you are done using the APIs.

    ID and Secret

  3. Log in to the Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator service and click ? at the top-right corner of the UI and then click API Guide.

    API icon

    The Swagger spec details are displayed.

    API icon

  4. Click the Swagger spec URL to access the API guide.

  5. In the API page, navigate to auth-controller > /{ccId}/api/v1/logon > Try it out.

    Authentication controller

  6. From the Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator service Swagger Spec Details, copy the Citrix Cloud ID and paste it in the textbox under Citrix Cloud user ID.

  7. Similarly, copy and paste the Client ID, Client secret and Citrix Cloud ID in the respective payload fields and click Execute.

    API payload

  8. Copy the token value from the Server response.

    Server response

  9. Click Authorize on the top of the API page and paste the token value in the Value field. Click Authorize.


    API key

This completes the authorization process and you must now be able to access and use Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator service APIs.

API guide for Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator