Compliance check on Android devices


This feature is applicable for Android devices enrolled in Device Owner mode.

Starting from the release of Secure Hub for Android 24.8.0, Secure Hub verifies the compliance of Android devices against the policies configured by administrator through Citrix Endpoint Management. These compliance check includes:

  • Ensuring device password strength
  • Verifying installation of mandatory apps
  • Confirming removal of prohibited apps

When a device is non-compliant, the following notification appears on the user device.

Non-compliance notification

When a device is non-compliant, users see the following message when they open Secure Hub.

Non-compliant items

Users can click the RESOLVE button to address the respective issues.


For more information on configuring policies and compliance checks, see Compliance Enforcement for Android Devices (Technical Preview) in the Citrix Endpoint Management product documentation.

Compliance check on Android devices

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