Hybrid Modern Authentication with On-premises Exchange support for iOS and Android

Hybrid Modern Authentication (HMA) is a user identity management solution that uses a more secure way of user authentication and authorization methods. It is now available for Exchange server on-premises hybrid deployments.

HMA is an OAuth token-based authentication with username and password. It allows on-premises mailbox users to access on-premises Exchange using OAuth tokens. OAuth tokens are obtained from the cloud. Managing user identities with modern authentication gives administrators many different tools to use in securing resources and offers more secure methods of identity management to on-premises Exchange.

For more information about HMA, see Announcing Hybrid Modern Authentication for Exchange On-Premises.

Changes required in MDX policies

For HMA to work on Secure Mail iOS and Android, perform the following changes in MDX policies under the OAuth Support for Office 365 section:

  • For Android, enable Use Modern authentication for O365 option. For iOS, set the Office 365 authentication mechanism to Use OAuth with Username and Password.
  • Enter the Customer’s on-premises Exchange URL in the Trusted Exchange Online Hostnames text field.
  • Enter the Customer’s on-premises Exchange URL in the Office 365 Exchange Server text field.
  • Click Next.

Note: Prior to doing the above-mentioned changes in MDX policies, ensure HMA settings on the Exchange are enabled. Otherwise, disable the Use Modern authentication for O365 option.

OAuth Support for Office 365 section in Android:

OAuth Support for Office 365 in Android

OAuth Support for Office 365 section in iOS:

OAuth Support for Office 365 in iOS

The following consent page appears after the successful user login for the first time. Click Accept.

HMA consent page

Optional: To stop getting this consent page, perform the following steps:

  • Open the Microsoft Azure portal.
  • From Dashboard, navigate to App registrations > HMA-App.
  • Under the Configured permissions section, enable the Grant admin consent for CRMC3Online option.

HMA App Azure


  • To switch from HMA to basic authorization, you must delete the existing account and recreate a new account on Secure Mail.
  • Users can’t sign in to Secure Mail if MDX policy and Exchange policy aren’t matching.
Hybrid Modern Authentication with On-premises Exchange support for iOS and Android