Logs and telemetry cleanup

Telemetry data cleanup

Telemetry data is stored in the Secure Private Access database for 3 months. The checks to identify telemetry data that is due for cleanup are done every 30 seconds.


The runtime service must be running for triggering the telemetry data cleanup.

CDF logs cleanup

CDF logs are stored on the Secure Private Access installation machine, inside the installation folders for the Admin and the runtime service. The CDF logs are placed in .csv files with a 10MB size limit applied to each file. The Admin service can retain up to 90 CDF log files at once, after which it deletes the oldest files to clear space for the new CDF log files to be created. The Runtime service works in the same way as the Admin service but can retain a larger number of files at once, up to 600.

Custom cleanup of CDF logs

The CDF logs cleanup is configurable through the appsettings.json files in the installation folders of the admin and runtime services. To change the file size and count limit for the files, update the following entries in the appsettings.json file:

"CdfFile": { "fileSizeLimitBytes": 10485760, // 10 MB "retainedFileCountLimit": 600 }


If multiple instances of Secure Private Access are set up for the site, update the appsettings.json files for CDF cleanup on each Secure Private Access installation machine.

Logs and telemetry cleanup