Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Fixed issues in 1912 LTSR CU3

The following issues have been fixed since Linux Virtual Delivery Agent 1912 LTSR CU2:

  • After upgrading a 64-bit Linux VDA, user attempts to start applications can fail. Users see a message indicating that the application is starting, then the message disappears. As a result, multiple stale sessions remain on the VDA. [CVADHELP-15899]

  • After performing scans, the ctxmonitorservice process might exit unexpectedly with a SIGABRT error. [CVADHELP-15969]

  • Attempts to select the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) and Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) USB options, might fail on a Xiaomi Mi 10 phone. [CVADHELP-16188]

  • When the Citrix Desktop Viewer (CDViewer.exe) window disappears, attempts to reconnect to the Linux VDA might fail. [CVADHELP-16239]

  • In Linux VDAs, some applications might not recognize a webcam device that appears in the Device option. [CVADHELP-16247]

  • When using USB redirection for a webcam in a Linux VDA session, the ctxusbsd process might exit unexpectedly with a segfault error. [CVADHELP-16366]

  • The ctxcdmd process might not run in the correct SELinux security context. [CVADHELP-16381]

  • A smart card might fail to work when it is configured to a Linux VDA. [CVADHELP-16488]

  • The text appearing in a Linux VDA session might be distorted and blurry. [CVADHELP-17199]

Fixed issues in 1912 LTSR CU3

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