Profile Management

Known issues

The following known issues exist in this release:

  • When configuring an app access control rule to hide an application from certain computers, in addition to those computers, you must configure at least one OU for the assignments. If not, the rule applies to all OUs—the application is invisible to all computers in your domain.

    Example: The assignments of an application include computers A and B and don’t include any OUs. The application is invisible to all computers in your domain.

    The same issue occurs when you configure rules to hide an app from certain OUs. In addition to those OUs, you must configure at least one computer for the assignments. If not, the rule applies to all computers—the application is invisible to all computers in your domain.

    Example: The assignments of an application include OUs X and Y and don’t include any computers. The application is invisible to all computers in your domain. [UPM-4896]

  • With the full profile container or the OneDrive container enabled, the following message appears when a user logs on to a machine:
    • The user has been using the OneDrive folder before the container is enabled, and
    • This is the first time that the user logs on to a machine after the container is enabled.

      Migration issue

    To resolve the issue, click Try again. The OneDrive folder is then successfully migrated to the container. [UPM-4166]

  • The message “Folder Access Denied” appears when users move a folder to the Recycle Bin in the following situations:

    • With the partial profile container or the OneDrive container enabled, users try to delete a folder from either container.
    • With the full profile container enabled, users try to delete a folder that is not in the user profile folder but on the same disk as the profile.

      Folder Access Denied

    To work around this issue, perform permanent deletion instead:

    • Select the folder, and press Shift + Delete to delete it permanently.
    • Set Recycle Bin Properties to Don’t move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted. [UPM-4165]

      Recycle Bin Properties

  • You are prompted to restart your machine after installing a VDA. However, the Profile Management service might not start after you restart the machine. When this issue happens, you can see that the following message about Event 7000 appears in the system Event log: “The ctxProfile service failed to start due to the following error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.” As a workaround, change the value of the following registry key to a greater number (for example, 300,000):
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\
    • Name: ServicesPipeTimeout
    • Type: REG_DWORD
    • Value: 300000 [UPM-1454]
  • Some sections of the Start menu might not populate. To work around this issue, run the gpupdate /force command from the command prompt. [UPM-1933]
Known issues