Session Recording

What’s new

What’s new in 2212

This release includes the following new features and addresses issues to improve the user experience:

Lossy video codec

Lossy video codec lets you adjust compression options to reduce the size of recording files and to accelerate navigating recorded sessions during playback. Lossy video codec is suitable for use when:

  • the size of recording files per time unit is too large, or
  • there is a lag while you fast forward or rewind during playback.

For more information, see Enable or disable lossy video codec.

Playback justification logging

This release introduces playback justification logging and creates a Playback Logging page to aggregate all playback logs. With playback justification logging enabled, each time a user plays a recording, a dialog box appears, asking the user to enter a justification for playback. For more information, see Playback logging.

What’s new in earlier releases

For new features included in the releases that shipped after the 1912 LTSR through the 2210 CR, see What’s new history.

What’s new