Session Recording

Open and play recordings

You can play live and completed recordings in the web player. On the recordings page, each recording has a play button on the right side, next to the Duration item.

Play button


For the Player role, the Recordings menu in the left navigation shows only the All Recordings submenu.

For the PrivilegedPlayer role, the Recordings menu shows both the All Recordings and the Restricted submenus.

Starting with 2411, the Diagnostic Logging menu is available in the left navigation. For more information, see View diagnostic logging.

Click the play button. The playback page appears. Playback starts after memory caching.

Playback of a screen recording:

Recording playback page

Playback of an event-only recording:

An event-only recording played in the web player contains an event statistics pie chart and histogram. The pie chart and histogram hold static throughout playback. You can navigate to a specific event from within the right pane.

An event-only recording played in the web player


  • Clicking the session progress time lets you switch to the absolute date and time the session was recorded.
  • For an event-only recording, the play icon in the upper left corner is unavailable.

For a description of the player controls, see the following table:

Player Control Description
Play button Plays the selected recording file.
Pause button Pauses playback.
Mute, unmute, and volume control Mutes/unmutes audio playback and adjusts the volume using the slider.
Progress bar You can drag the progress bar during playback. Idle periods of recorded sessions are highlighted during playback.
Seek backward 7 seconds Seeks backward 7 seconds.
Current position of recording playback Indicates the current position of the recording playback and the total recording duration. The time format is HH:MM:SS.
Comments icon Lets you click and leave a comment about the recording being played.
Share current playback icon Lets you click and copy the URL of the current recording to the clipboard.
Show stats Shows the overlay that features data points related to the recorded session.
Hide stats Hides the session data overlay.
Playback speed Indicates the current speed of playback. Click the icon to switch between options including X0.5, X1, X2, and X4.
Full screen button Displays the playback in full screen.
Exit full screen button Displays the playback within the webpage.

In the right pane of the playback page, the Events and Comments filters, quick search box, and some recording data are available, for example:

The right pane of the playback page

  • The date and time on the web player machine. In this example, AUG 20, 2021 and 18:50:50.
  • The duration of the recording in playback. In this example, 01:37:00.
  • The number of events in the recording. In this example, 359 EVENTS.
  • The name of the user whose session was recorded.
  • The host name of the VDA where the recorded session was hosted.
  • The name of the client device where the session was running.
  • Options for sorting search results: Select All, Events, or Comments to sort search results.
  • Event filters. You can select more than one filter to search for events in the current recording.

    Click the icon to expand the display of events. For example:

    Expand the display of events

  • Event list. Clicking an event on the list takes you to the position of the event in the recording.
  • Quick search box. The search events quick search box helps to quickly narrow down a list of events in the current recording.
Open and play recordings

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