
Computer Startup (Machine Boot) Metrics

Boot Detail

uberAgent collects metrics about computer startup duration including Smss initialization as well as autostart services. The metrics in this section are based on the Microsoft document Windows On/Off Transitions Solutions Guide.


  • Source type: uberAgent:OnOffTransition:BootDetail2
  • Used in dashboards: Boot Duration, Single Boot Duration
  • Enabled through configuration setting: BootDetail
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
KernelInitTimeMs Time from the beginning to the start of the first smss.exe process. Number ms 1683
SmssInitTimeMs Time from the start of the first smss.exe process to the start of the second smss.exe process (in session 0). Number ms 4007
AutoCheckTimeMs Auto check time. More information. Number ms 20
Session0InitDurationMs Session 0 initialization duration: from the start of the second smss.exe process to the start of wininit.exe. Number ms 9572
Session1InitDurationMs Session 1 initialization duration: from the start of the third smss.exe process (in session 1) to the start of winlogon.exe. Number ms 71
WininitInitDurationMs Wininit initialization duration: from the start of wininit.exe to the start of services.exe. Number ms 61
WinlogonInitDurationMs Winlogon initialization duration: from the start of winlogon.exe to the start of logonui.exe. Number ms 369
AutostartServicesMs Autostart services: from the start of services.exe to the start of the first taskhost.exe. Number ms 13269
ComputerStartupMs Computer startup: from the beginning to the start of LogonUI.exe. The user is now able to log in to the computer. Number ms 15700
MainPathBootTimeMs Main path boot time: from the beginning to the start of the shell (typically explorer.exe). The user has successfully logged in, and the shell is starting. Number ms 28361
PostBootTimeMs Post boot time: from shell start to the system reaching an 80% idle state. The desktop is now ready to use. Number ms 6882
TotalBootTimeMs The time from Windows start to the desktop being shown and the system reaching an 80% idle state. This is the sum of MainPathBootTimeMs and PostBootTimeMs. If TotalBootTimeMs is empty, it means that Windows stopped collecting data too early, or because the user waited longer before logging in. Number ms 130765
BootUID Unique UID for a boot created by uberAgent. String   00000408-0049-004b-0bb9-8ed17e25d401
Computer Startup (Machine Boot) Metrics