
Directories and Registry Key Created by uberAgent’s Installer

uberAgent is not only lightweight and unobtrusive, but it also creates only a minimal set of files and registry keys during installation that can be removed easily.

Uninstalling uberAgent


If you want to remove uberAgent from a Windows machine please use the installer’s uninstall functionality from Programs and Features. The following list is intended as a reference.


Use the uninstall.command file to remove uberAgent. It can only be executed with elevated privileges. Only use this script if you want to completely remove uberAgent and its configuration from the computer. Its default location is /Library/Application Support/uberAgent/uninstall.command.

File System Changes


All files required by uberAgent go into the installation directory selected during setup (typically c:\Program Files\vast limits\uberAgent). During operation, the following additional files/folders are created:

  • uberAgent’s log file
  • %ProgramData%\vast limits\uberAgent
  • %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\UberAgentDrv.sys
  • %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\uberAgentNetMon.sys


Registry Changes

uberAgent stores installation and runtime state information to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\vast limits.

Directories and Registry Key Created by uberAgent’s Installer