
Boot Processes Metrics

Boot Processes

uberAgent collects detailed information about each process running during the boot process like the command line and latency.


  • Source type: uberAgent:OnOffTransition:BootProcesses
  • Used in dashboards: Single Boot Duration
  • Enabled through configuration setting: BootDetail
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
ProcName Process name. String   svchost.exe
ProcID Process ID. Number   456
ProcParentID Parent process ID. Number   789
ProcStartTimeRelativeMs Relative process start time. Number ms 100
ProcLifetimeMs Process lifetime. Number ms 50
ProcCmdline Process commandline. String   C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch -p
ProcIOReadCount Count of process I/O read operations. Number   91
ProcIOWriteCount Count of process I/O write operations. Number   97
ProcIOReadMB Amount of process I/O read operations data volume. Number MB 50
ProcIOWriteMB Amount of process I/O write operations data volume. Number MB 50
ProcIOLatencyReadMs Process I/O read operations latency. Number ms 30
ProcIOLatencyWriteMs Process I/O write operations latency. Number ms 30
SessionID Unique identifier that is generated by the machine when the session is created. Will be reassigned to other sessions after logoff. Number   3
TotalBootDurationMs Total boot duration. Number ms 500000
SortOrder2 Sort order number to sort the table Boot process performance on the Single Boot dashboard correctly. Number   29
BootUID Unique UID for a boot generated by uberAgent. String   00000408-0049-004b-0bb9-8ed17e25d401

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Where available Example
SortOrder Sort order number to sort the table Boot process performance on the Single Boot dashboard correctly. Number   Splunk data model 1

Boot Process Detail

uberAgent collects detailed information about each process running during the boot process like the disk IO and latency.


  • Source type: uberAgent:OnOffTransition:BootProcessDetail
  • Used in dashboards: Single Boot Duration
  • Enabled through configuration setting: BootDetail
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
ProcessName Process name. String   svchost.exe
ProcessIOReadCount Count of process I/O read operations. Number   91
ProcessIOWriteCount Count of process I/O write operations. Number   97
ProcessIOReadMB Amount of process I/O read operations data volume. Number MB 50
ProcessIOWriteMB Amount of process I/O write operations data volume. Number MB 50
ProcessIOLatencyMs Process I/O operations latency. Number ms 60
BootUID Unique UID for a boot generated by uberAgent. String   00000408-0049-004b-0bb9-8ed17e25d401

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Where available Example
ProcessIOCount ProcessIOReadCount+ProcessIOWriteCount. Number   Splunk data model 188
ProcName Process name. String   Splunk data model chrome.exe
Boot Processes Metrics