
User & Host Metrics

User & Host Tags

uberAgent can collect custom tags for users and machines (more information).


  • Source type: uberAgent:Tags:UserHost
  • Used in dashboards: All except Citrix XA/XD and ADC dashboards
  • Related configuration settings: [UserHostTagging]
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
User The name of the user (in the case of a user tag). String   domain\User1
TagType The type of tag (User or Host). String   User
TagName The user-defined name of the tag. String   Department
TagSource The source of the tag (AD, Environment or Registry). String   Registry
TagValue Defines the complete path of the tag. This can be an AD attribute, an environment variable or the full path to a registry value. The latter must include the registry hive, key, and value. String   HKCU/Software/vast limits/Department
TagData The determined value for the current tag. String   Development
User & Host Metrics