Federated Authentication Service PowerShell cmdlets

You can use the Federated Authentication Service administration console for simple deployments; however, the PowerShell interface offers more advanced options. If you plan to use options that are not available in the console, Citrix recommends using only PowerShell for configuration.

The following command adds the FAS PowerShell cmdlets:

Add-PSSnapin Citrix.Authentication.FederatedAuthenticationService.V1

In a PowerShell window, you can use Get-Help <cmdlet name> to display cmdlet help.

The zip file linked below contains help files for all FAS PowerShell SDK cmdlets. To use it, click the link, which will download the zip file. Then extract its content to a local folder. The index.html file lists all cmdlets, with links to individual cmdlet help files.

Federated Authentication Service PowerShell cmdlet help files

Federated Authentication Service PowerShell cmdlets