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PoC Guide: Automated Configuration Tool

  • Contributed By: Steve Beals Special Thanks To: Nitin Mehta, Amir Trujillo


The Automated Configuration tool facilitates migrating and exporting configurations to Citrix DaaS. This Proof of Concept guide illustrates the step by step instructions on how to use this tool.

Administrators can easily test and explore the Citrix DaaS features and advantages, while simultaneously running existing On-Premises environments and even facilitate moves between cloud regions, back up existing configurations, and other use cases. The Automated Configuration download link also contains additional information and detailed documentation on said use cases and customizations.


On-Premises environment

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) on-Premises environment with at least one registered VDA.
  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on-Premises environment running on one of the following versions: Any Long Term Service Release (LTSR) versions with their latest CU (1912, 2203); Or one of the corresponding latest two Current Releases (CR) versions (for example: 2308, 2311).
  • The domain-joined machine where you plan on running the Automated Configuration tool commands must be running .NET 4.7.2 version or higher.
  • A machine with the Citrix PowerShell SDK, which is automatically installed on the DDC.


If running the tool on a different machine, it must be domain-joined and Studio must have the correct PowerShell snap-ins installed. This installer can be found on your corresponding versions Product ISO installation media, which can be obtained from the Citrix Downloads > Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops website.

Cloud-related components

Note: If migrating between cloud sites (cloud to cloud migration) refer to the Official Documentation for detailed steps.

  • Valid Citrix DaaS license.
  • Administrator must be able to log into the Cloud Portal and obtain: The resource location name, customer ID, client Secret (app ID and Secret Key)
  • The existing Citrix Cloud Resource Location has at least one Cloud Connector, which is marked as green (Healthy) and is part of the same domain as the On-Premises setup.


Citrix recommends having two or more Cloud Connectors (for redundancy and High Availability). For information on how to set up your Cloud Connectors, refer to this guide.

This proof of concept guide demonstrates how to

  1. Complete the On-Premises pre-requisites
  2. Export your On-Premises site configuration into YAML (.yml) files
  3. Complete the cloud pre-requisites
  4. Complete the requisites for importing site configuration when using different provisioning methods (Machine Creation Services (MCS) for both Pooled and Static Catalogs)
  5. Import your Site Configuration into Cloud (by editing the required files)
  6. Troubleshooting tips and where to find more information

Complete Pre-requisites for Exporting from on-premises site

These steps must be run in your DDC or the domain-joined machine where you want to run the Automated Configuration tool.

  1. Download the latest Automated Configuration tool MSI to your On-Premises DDC or a domain-joined machine. Note: See the Pre-requisites section for more details on how to run it from a different machine. The tool can be downloaded from here. Note: See the Pre-requisites section for more details on how to run it from a different machine.

  2. Run the MSI on your On-Premises DDC, by right-clicking on the AutoConfig_PowerShell_x64.msi installer and clicking on Install.


  3. Read the License Agreement and check the box if you accept the terms. Then click Install:


  4. Files are copied and the progress bar continues moving until it finishes the install.


  5. After the MSI runs, a window indicating successful completion pops up. Click Finish to close the MSI setup window.


  • Note: Upon successful execution a desktop icon called Auto Config is created. When launched, the corresponding folder structure located in C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig, is created. This tool is the one used on subsequent steps.

Export your On-Premises site configuration

Using an export PowerShell command, you can export your existing On-Premises configuration and obtain the necessary .yml files. These files are used to import your desired configuration into Citrix Cloud.

  1. After running the MSI installer on the previous step, you get an Auto Config shortcut automatically created on the Desktop. Right-click this shortcut and click Run as Administrator.

  2. Run the Export-CvadAcToFile command. This command exports policies, manually provisioned catalogs, and delivery groups. It also exports applications, application folders, icons, zone mappings, tags, admin roles and scopes, and other items. Note: For MCS machine catalogs and delivery groups, refer to the steps on Requisites for Importing Site Configuration using different Provisioning Methods section in this guide.


  3. Once the tool finishes running, the Overall status shows as True and the export process is completed (the output lines shown match the following illustration). Note: If there are any errors, diagnostic files are created in the action-specific subfolders (Export, Import, Merge, Restore, Sync, Backup, Compare), which can be found under %HOMEPATH%\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig. Refer to the Troubleshooting Tips section if you encounter any errors.


  4. The resulting .yml files are now in the current users Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig path:


  5. See the image below for an example of the contents on a .yml file (Application.yml)



If necessary, copy the .yml files to the machine you want to use to import settings to your Citrix Cloud environment. Exporting and importing can be done from the same machine.

Complete Prerequisites in Cloud

Go to your Resource Location and make sure your Cloud Connectors are both showing green (Available). Note: If you need instructions on how to set up your Cloud Connectors, refer to this guide.

  1. To verify the health status of your Cloud Connectors, first log in to your cloud portal with your Citrix administrator credentials (or your Azure AD credentials, when applicable).


  2. If you have more than one Organization ID (Org ID), select your corresponding tenant.


  3. Upon logon, go to the hamburger menu on the top left corner and then click Resource Locations:


  4. Access the Cloud Connector(s) tile under your Resource Location.



The Cloud Connector(s) must show green, indicating a Healthy status, as seen on the following image. Citrix recommends having more than one Cloud Connector per Resource Location, for redundancy purposes.


Requisites for Importing Site Configuration using different Provisioning Methods

Dealing with Provisioning Services (PVS) Machine Catalogs, Delivery and Application Groups and Policies

No extra steps are required to import your PVS Catalogs and their corresponding applications at this time. Follow the steps mentioned on the Import your Site Configuration into Cloud section in this guide.

Dealing with Machine Creation Services (MCS): Pooled VDI multi-session (Random) and RDS Machine Catalogs


A separate section is available with instructions for Static assigned virtual machines. Refer to the steps mentioned on the MCS Static Assigned VDIs section in this guide.

The import and export commands are supported for this task now. Both the golden image and the configuration in Catalogs with User data: Discard can be migrated. However the virtual machines in these catalogs do not get migrated, since the site you are importing from is responsible for maintaining the life cycle of the virtual machine.

When machines are turned on, their state might change, affecting import data for the virtual machines synchronization. Therefore when migrating these catalogs using the tool, it creates a catalog metadata and initiates master image creation. However zero machines are imported.

Important Considerations:

  • The MCS catalog import process can take a couple of hours based on the size of the master image. Therefore the import command within the tool only starts the MCS catalog creation and does not wait for it to finish.
  • After the import has completed, the catalog creation progress can be monitored via Studio in the cloud deployment.
  • Once the master image is created you can provision machines. Consider your hypervisor's existing capacity, since you have consumption from your on-premises usage.
  • All other objects (including the Delivery Group, applications, policies, and everything that uses the catalog) can be imported, without having to wait for the master image creation. The same commands available within the tool can be used to migrate catalogs and all other objects.
  • When the catalog has finished creating, machines can be added to the imported catalog, and then users can launch their resources.


After these considerations, follow Import your Site Configuration into Cloud section in this guide to merge your configuration as needed.

Dealing with Machine Creation Services (MCS): Static Assigned Machines


A separate section is available with instructions for Pooled and RDS Machines. Refer to the steps mentioned on the MCS Pooled VDI and RDS Machines

This process imports some low-level details which are stored in the database so it needs to be run from a machine with database access. The tool import process migrates the configuration, master image and the machines as well. It is a quick operation since no images are created.

Important Considerations:

  • The VDAs need to be pointed to the Cloud Connectors for them to register with Citrix Cloud.
  • Refer to the Activating sites documentation to activate your Cloud site and thus control reboot schedule, power management, and others, via Citrix Cloud.
  • Once the migration is completed, if you want to delete the corresponding catalog from your on-premises site, you must select the option to leave VM and AD account. Otherwise both records will be deleted and the Cloud site left pointing to the deleted virtual machine.


After these considerations, follow Import your Site Configuration into Cloud section in this guide to merge your configuration as needed.

Import your Site Configuration into Cloud

During this step, you obtain the customer connection details, manually create your Zone mappings, and import the configuration to your Cloud tenant. Note: For MCS, first follow the corresponding subsections under the Import your Site Configuration into Cloud section in this guide.

Obtaining Customer Connection Details

Administrators must edit the CustomerInfo.yml file and add the corresponding CustomerName, CustomerID, and SecretKey values to it. These values can be obtained and generated from the Cloud portal, as shown in the following steps.

  1. First, open your CustomerInfo.yml file using a text editor application, such as Notepad. The following screenshot shows the CustomerInfo.yml file values that must be edited (underlined in red):


  2. On your Cloud portal click the hamburger menu again and go to Identity and Access Management:


  3. Go to the API Access tab and copy the Customer ID value, which can be found next to the customer ID text as seen on the following screenshot (red rectangle):


  4. Paste the retrieved value between the quotes that follow the CustomerId field in your CustomerInfo.yml file, between the “” (quotes):


  5. Back on your Cloud portal, go to the Identity and Access Management portal and API Access tab. Enter the name you want to identify this API key with on the Name your Secure Client box. Then click the Create Client button. Note: This action generates the Client ID and the Secret Key.


  6. Copy the ID and the Secret values, one by one (paste them on the CustomerInfo.yml file as shown in the following step). Then click Download to save the file for later reference.


  7. Paste the ID and Secret values onto the corresponding fields in the CustomerInfo.yml file:


Manually update the Zone Mapping file (ZoneMapping.yml)

On-Premises Zones cannot be automatically migrated to a cloud Resource Location, so they must be mapped using the ZoneMapping.yml file. Note: Migration failures occur if the zone is not mapped with a homonymous resource location (a Resource Location with the exact same name).

  1. Back in the same directory where your .yml files reside (Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig), open up the ZoneMapping.yml using Notepad or your preferred text editor. Note: The Primary value must be replaced with the name of your corresponding Zone you want to migrate objects from (in your On-Premises environment).


  2. You can find this name under your On-Premises Citrix Studio console > Configuration > Zones. Note: if your Zone is named Primary in your On-Premises environment, this value on the ZoneMapping.yml file doesn't need to be changed:


  3. Still on the ZoneMapping.yml file, the Name_Of_Your_Resource_Zone value must be replaced with your Cloud Resource Location name. This value can be found on your cloud portal under the Hamburger menu > Resource Locations:


  4. Copy your Resource Location name (Shown as My Resource Location on the following screenshot):


  5. Paste this value on the ZoneMapping.yml file instead of the Name_Of_Your_Resouce_Zone value:


  6. Multiple Zones in your On-Premises environment can also map to one Resource Location in the cloud. However there always must be one row in the file for each zone in the On-Premises environment. For multiple zones on-premises and one Resource Location, the format on this file would look as follows:


  7. When mapping Zones to different Resource locations, the file must look like this instead:


Manually update the CvadAcSecurity.yml file

Host Connections and their associated hypervisors can be migrated to Citrix DaaS. Adding the Host Connections requires security information for the specific hypervisor. This information needs to manually added into the CvadAcSecurity.yml file. Note For this example we are using Citrix Hypervisor. For information on the security information required for other hypervisor types, visit the Citrix DaaS product documentation site.

  1. Back in the same directory where your .yml files reside (Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig), open up the CvadAcSecurity.yml using Notepad or your preferred text editor.


  2. In the CvadAcSecurity.yml file, enter the username and password for your hypervisor connection, then Save the file.


Merging configuration

  1. Back on the Migration tool PowerShell console, run the following command: Merge-CvadAcToSite to merge the existing Cloud configuration (if any exists) with the configuration exported from the On-Premises site.


  2. When each task runs successfully, the output looks green as .yml files are imported and the corresponding components are added to the cloud site:


  3. The resulting files show in the following directory: <This PC>\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig\Import_<YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss>


  4. On this same folder, you can find a Backup_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss folder. Note: Copy this folder somewhere safe as it is a backup of the configuration.

  5. The Backup folder contains the following files, which are helpful for reverting changes, if needed:


Verify configuration created in Cloud Studio

  1. Access your Citrix DaaS Manage tab via the Cloud Console > My Services > Citrix DaaS > Manage tab).


  2. Refresh to make sure the Machine catalogs, Delivery groups, policies, tags, and applications are now showing as expected. Note: Depending on what you import, the results vary as they are specific to your own unique configuration. Review each section to make sure the expected items are listed.

  • Machine Catalogs list example:


If everything looks as expected, your Citrix DaaS migration is complete.

Migrating Cloud environment across Resource Locations

For guidance on how to migrate across Cloud regions or DaaS environments, refer to the Citrix DaaS Migrating from Cloud to cloud documentation.

Troubleshooting Tips

General information for troubleshooting:

  • Refer to the Automated Configuration Tool Troubleshooting FAQ article.
  • Prior to opening support ticket with Citrix, collect all log and *.yml files into a single zip by running New-CvadAcZipInfoForSupport. No customer security information is included. Forward the zip file at the following location %HOMEPATH%\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig\CvadAcSupport_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.zipNew-CvadAcZipInfoForSupport.
  • Running any cmdlet creates a log file and an entry in the master history log file. The entries contain the date, operation, result, backup, and log file locations of the execution. This log provides potential solutions and fixes to common errors.
  • The master history log is located in %HOMEPATH%\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig, in the file named History.Log.* All operation log files are placed in a backup folder.
  • All log file names begin with CitrixLog, then show the auto-config operation and the date and timestamp of the cmdlet execution.
  • Logs do not auto-delete.
  • Console logging can be suppressed by using the -quiet parameter

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