NetScaler metrics reference

This section provides information on the different metrics provided by NetScaler. You can classify NetScaler metrics into three categories:

  • Application and API metrics: Application health metrics help in troubleshooting which application website has high latency or an elevated number of errors or subpar performance. It also includes monitoring errors, traffic, latency, and saturation metrics.
  • Application security and API security metrics: Application security metrics include the metrics such as WAF and BOT.
  • NetScaler system metrics: NetScaler system metrics include information about the NetScaler such as the CPU utilization, memory, and disk usage. You can also get specific feature-level insights such as SSL, and GSLB. Also, insights for SSL TLS monitoring like certificate expiry details, protocol used, and cipher strength.

Application and API metrics

This section describes a set of application heath metrics available for NetScaler.

HTTP metrics

The following is a set of HTTP metrics and their description.

Metrics Description
http_tot_Gets This counter tracks HTTP requests received using the GET method.
http_tot_Posts This counter tracks HTTP requests received using the POST method.
http_tot_Others This counter tracks HTTP requests received using methods except GET and POST. Some of the well-defined HTTP methods are HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE. User-defined methods are also allowed.
http_tot_rxRequestBytes This counter tracks the bytes of HTTP data received.
http_tot_rxResponseBytes This counter tracks the bytes received as response data.
http_tot_txRequestBytes This counter tracks the bytes of HTTP data transmitted.
http_tot_txResponseBytes This counter tracks the bytes transmitted as response data.
http_tot_Requests This counter tracks HTTP requests received, including HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 requests.
http_tot_Requests1_0 This counter tracks HTTP/1.0 requests received.
http_tot_Requests1_1 This counter tracks HTTP/1.1 requests received.
http_tot_Responses This counter tracks HTTP responses sent including HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 responses.
http_tot_Responses1_0 This counter tracks HTTP/1.0 responses sent.
http_tot_Responses1_1 This counter tracks HTTP/1.1 responses sent.
http_tot_CLenResponses This counter tracks HTTP responses that are sent with the content-length field set to a value. The content field of the HTTP header specifies the length of the content, in bytes, in the associated HTTP body.
http_tot_ChunkedResponses This counter tracks the HTTP responses that are sent with the transfer-encoding field set as chunked. With this setting the server starts sending the HTTP response before knowing its total length. The server breaks the response into chunks and sends them in sequence, inserting the length of each chunk before the actual data. The message ends with a chunk of size zero.
http_tot_noClenChunkResponses This counter tracks the FIN-terminated responses sent. In FIN-terminated responses, the server finishes sending the data and closes the connection.
http_err_noreuse_multipart This counter tracks the HTTP multi-part responses sent. In multi-part responses, one or more entities are encapsulated within the body of a single message.
http_err_IncompleteRequests This counter tracks the HTTP requests received in which the header spans more than one packet.
http_err_IncompleteResponses This counter tracks the HTTP responses received in which the header spans more than one packet.
http_err_IncompleteHeaders This counter tracks the HTTP requests and responses received in which the HTTP header spans more than one packet.
http_err_server_busy This counter tracks the error responses received. Some of the error responses are: 500 Internal Server Error, 501 Not Implemented, 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable, 504 Gateway Timeout, and 505 HTTP Version Not supported
http_tot_ChunkedRequests This counter tracks the HTTP requests in which the transfer-encoding field of the HTTP header is set as chunked.
http_tot_CLenRequests This counter tracks the HTTP requests in which the content-length field of the HTTP header is set to a value. Content-length specifies the length of the content, in bytes, in the associated HTTP body.
http_err_large_content This counter tracks the large or invalid requests and responses received.
http_err_large_ctlen This counter tracks the large or invalid requests received, in which the content-length field of the HTTP header is set to a value. Content-length specifies the length of the content, in bytes, in the associated HTTP body.
http_err_large_chunk This counter tracks the large or invalid requests received in which the Transfer-Encoding field of the HTTP header is set as chunked.

TCP metrics

The following is a set of TCP metrics and their description.

Counter Description
tcp_tot_ServerOpen This counter tracks the server connections initiated by NetScaler after startup. This counter is reset when the appliance restarts.
tcp_tot_ServerClosed This counter tracks the total number of server connections that are closed.
tcp_tot_ClientOpen This counter tracks the client connections initiated on NetScaler after startup. This counter is reset when the appliance restarts.
tcp_tot_ClientClosed This counter tracks the total number of client connections that are closed.
tcp_tot_syn This counter tracks the SYN packets received.
tcp_tot_syn_probe This counter tracks the probes from NetScaler to a server. The appliance sends a SYN packet to the server to check its availability and expects a SYN_ACK packet from the server before a specified response timeout.
tcp_tot_fin_srvr This counter tracks the FIN packets received from the server.
tcp_tot_fin_clnt This counter tracks the FIN packets received from the clients.
tcp_tot_timeWaitToSyn This counter tracks the SYN packets received on connections that are in the TIME_WAIT state. Packets cannot be transferred on a connection in this state.
tcp_tot_timeWaitData This counter tracks the bytes of data received on connections that are in the TIME_WAIT state. Data cannot be transferred on a connection that is in this state.
tcp_tot_clnt_flushed This counter tracks the client connections that are flushed because the client is idle for some time.
tcp_tot_srvr_flushed This counter tracks the server connections that are flushed because there are no client requests in the queue for some time.
tcp_tot_clnt_flushed_ho This counter tracks the half-opened client connections that are flushed because the three-way handshakes are not complete.
tcp_tot_srvr_flushed_ho This counter tracks the half-opened server connections that are flushed because the three-way handshakes are not complete.
tcp_tot_clnt_flushed_ahc This counter tracks the active half-closed client connections that are flushed because the client has closed the connection and there is no activity on the connection.
tcp_tot_srvr_flushed_ahc This counter tracks the active half-closed server connections that are flushed because the server has closed the connection and there is no activity on the connection.
tcp_tot_clnt_flushed_phc This counter tracks the passive half-closed client connections that are flushed because NetScaler has closed the connection and there is no activity on the connection.
tcp_tot_srvr_flushed_phc This counter tracks the passive half-closed server connections that are flushed because NetScaler has closed the connection and there is no activity on the connection.
tcp_err_badchecksums This counter tracks the packets received with a TCP checksum error.
tcp_err_syn_n_syn_rcvd This counter tracks the SYN packets received on a connection that is in the SYN_RCVD state. A connection goes into the SYN_RCVD state after receiving a SYN packet.
tcp_err_syn_n_est This counter tracks the SYN packets received on a connection that is in the ESTABLISHED state. A SYN packet is not expected on an ESTABLISHED connection.
tcp_err_syn_giveups This counter attempts to establish a connection on NetScaler that has timed out.
tcp_err_syn_sentbadack This counter specifies the incorrect ACK packets received on a connection that is in the SYN_SENT state. An incorrect ACK packet is the third packet in the three-way handshake that has an incorrect sequence number.
tcp_err_syn_retransmit This counter specifies the SYN packets resent to a server.
tcp_err_fin_retransmit This counter specifies the FIN packets resent to a server or a client.
tcp_err_fin_giveups This counter specifies the connections that were timed out by NetScaler because of not receiving the ACK packet after retransmitting the FIN packet four times.
tcp_err_fin_dup This counter specifies the number of duplicate FIN packets received.
tcp_err_rs This counter specifies the packets received from a client or a server.
tcp_err_rst_not_est This counter specifies the reset packets received on a connection that is not in the ESTABLISHED state.
tcp_err_rst_outof_wnd This counter specifies the reset packets received on a connection that is out of the current TCP window.
tcp_err_rst_inTimewaits This counter specifies the reset packets received on a connection that is in the TIME_WAIT state. Packets cannot be transferred on a connection that is in the TIME_WAIT state.
tcp_err_srvr_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted by a server. Retransmission usually occurs because the acknowledgment from NetScaler has not reached the server.
tcp_err_clnt_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted by a client. Retransmission usually occurs because the acknowledgment from NetScaler has not reached the client.
tcp_err_full_retransmit This counter tracks the full packet retransmissions by the client or the server.
tcp_err_partial_retransmit This counter tracks the partial packet retransmissions by a client or server because of congestion on the connection. This situation usually occurs because the window advertised by NetScaler is not large enough to hold the full packet.
tcp_err_srvr_out_of_order This counter tracks the out of order TCP packets received from a server.
tcp_err_clnt_out_of_order This counter tracks the out of order TCP packets received from a client.
tcp_err_cookie_pkt_seq_reject This counter tracks the SYN cookie packets rejected because they contain an incorrect sequence number.
tcp_err_cookie_signature_reject This counter tracks the SYN cookie packets rejected because they contain an incorrect signature.
tcp_err_cookie_pkt_se q_drop This counter tracks the SYN cookie packets dropped because the sequence number specified in the packets is outside the current Window.
tcp_err_cookie_mss This counter tracks the SYN cookie packets rejected because the maximum segment size (MSS) specified in the packets is incorrect.
tcp_err_retransmit This counter tracks the TCP packets retransmitted. NetScaler attempts to retransmit the packet up to seven times and then resets the other half of the TCP connection.
tcp_err_retransmit_giveups This counter tracks the number of times NetScaler terminates a connection after retransmitting the packet seven times on that connection.
tcp_max_Clients This counter tracks the maximum number of connections that can be made from the system to the Web servers attached to it. This value is applied globally to all attached servers.
tcp_max_ReqPerConn This counter tracks the maximum number of requests that the system can pass to a particular connection between the system and a server attached to it. If the value is zero, then it allows an unlimited number of requests to be passed.
tcp_err_cip_alloc This counter tracks the number of times TCP level client header insertion fails.
tcp_tot_ClientOpen_Rate This counter tracks the rate at which connections are opened in the system.
tcp_tot_acl_bridge This counter tracks the packets matching a bridge access control list (ACL), which in transparent mode bypasses service processing.
tcp_tot_acl_drop This counter tracks the packets dropped because they match ACLs with processing mode set to DENY.
tcp_tot_acl_allow This counter tracks the packets matching ACLs with the processing mode set to ALLOW. NetScaler appliance processes these packets.
tcp_tot_acl_nat This counter tracks packets matching a NAT ACL, resulting in a NAT session.
tcp_tot_acl_hits This counter tracks the packets matching an ACL.
tcp_tot_acl_miss This counter tracks the packets not matching any ACL.
tcp_tot_sacl_bridge This counter tracks the packets that matched a simple ACL with processing mode set as BRIDGE and got bridged by NetScaler.
tcp_tot_sacl_drop This counter tracks the packets dropped because they match the Deny action in a simple ACL.
tcp_tot_sacl_allow This counter tracks the packets that matched a simple ACL with the ALLOW action and got consumed by NetScaler.
tcp_tot_sacl_hits This counter tracks the packets matching a simple ACL.
tcp_tot_sacl_miss This counter tracks the packets not matching any simple ACL.
tcp_tot_sacl_count This counter tracks the number of simple ACLs configured.
tcp_tot_sacl6_bridge This counter tracks the total packets that matched a simple ACL6 with action BRIDGE and got bridged by NetScaler.
tcp_tot_sacl6_drop This counter tracks the packets dropped because they match the Deny action in a simple ACL6.
tcp_tot_sacl6_allow This counter tracks the total packets that matched a simple ACL6 with the action ALLOW and got consumed by NetScaler.
tcp_tot_sacl6_hits This counter tracks the packets matching a simple ACL6.
tcp_tot_sacl6_miss This counter tracks the packets not matching any simple ACL6.
tcp_tot_sacl6_count This counter tracks the number of simple ACL6s configured.
tcp_tot_acl6_bridge This counter tracks the packets matching a bridge IPv6 ACL, which in transparent mode bypasses service processing.
tcp_tot_acl6_drop This counter tracks the packets dropped because they match IPv6 ACLs with processing mode set to DENY.
tcp_tot_acl6_allow This counter tracks the packets matching IPv6 ACLs with processing mode set to ALLOW. NetScaler processes these packets.
tcp_tot_acl6_nat This counter tracks the packets matching a NAT ACL6, resulting in a NAT session.
tcp_tot_acl6_hits This counter tracks the packets matching an IPv6 ACL.
tcp_tot_acl6_miss This counter tracks the packets not matching any IPv6 ACL.
pbr_tot_allow This counter tracks the total packets that matched the policy-based routing (PBR) with the action ALLOW.
pbr_tot_deny This counter tracks the total packets that matched PBR with the action DENY.
pbr_tot_hits This counter tracks the total packets that matched any PBR.
pbr_tot_miss This counter tracks the total packets that did not match any PBR.
tcp_tot_rxpkts This counter tracks the TCP packets received.
tcp_tot_rxbytes This counter tracks the bytes of TCP data received.
tcp_tot_txpkts This counter tracks the TCP packets transmitted.
tcp_tot_txbytes This counter tracks the bytes of TCP data transmitted.
pcb_tot_zombie_called This counter tracks the number of times the Zombie cleanup function is called. Every time a connection is flushed, it is marked for cleanup. The Zombie cleanup function clears all these connections at predefined intervals.
tcp_tot_synheld SYN packets held on NetScaler that are waiting for a server connection.
tcp_tot_synheld_flushed SYN packets flushed on NetScaler because of no response from the server for three or more seconds.
tcp_tot_fintimewaitconnclosedearly This counter tracks the connections closed on NetScaler because the number of connections in the TIME_WAIT state has exceeded the default value of 7000.
tcp_err_any_portalloc_ failed This counter tracks the port allocations that have failed on a mapped IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has exceeded or the mapped IP address is not configured.
tcp_err_ip_portalloc_failed This counter tracks the port allocations that have failed on a subnet IP address or virtual server IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has exceeded.
tcp_err_stray_packets This counter tracks the packets received on a connection whose state is not maintained on NetScaler.
tcp_err_send_rst This counter tracks the reset packets sent to a client or a server.
tcp_err_bad_state_connections This counter tracks the connections that are not in a valid TCP state.
tcp_tot_fast_retransmit This counter tracks the TCP packets on which NetScaler performs a fast retransmission in response to three duplicate acknowledgments or a partial acknowledgment. The appliance assumes that the packet is lost and retransmits the packet before its time-out.
tcp_err_1st_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted once by NetScaler.
tcp_err_2nd_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted twice by NetScaler.
tcp_err_3rd_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted three times by NetScaler.
tcp_err_4th_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted four times by NetScaler.
tcp_err_5th_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted five times by NetScaler.
tcp_err_6th_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted six times by NetScaler.
tcp_err_7th_retransmit This counter tracks the packets retransmitted seven times by NetScaler. If this retransmission fails, the appliance terminates the connection.
tcp_err_data_after_fin This counter tracks the bytes received following a connection termination request. This error is usually caused by reordering packets during transmission.
tcp_err_threshold This counter tracks the reset packets dropped because the default threshold of 100 resets per 10 milliseconds has exceeded. This is a configurable value using the set ns ratecontrol command.
tcp_err_oowindow This counter tracks the packets received that are out of the current advertised window.
tcp_err_in_congestion_syndropped This counter tracks the SYN packets dropped because of network congestion.
tcp_tot_bdg_mac_moved This counter tracks the number of times bridging registered MAC is moved.
tcp_tot_bdg_collisions This counter tracks the number of bridging table collisions.
tcp_err_bdg_muted This counter tracks the number of bridging related interface mutes.
bdg_tot_pkts This counter tracks the total amount of bridged traffic.
bdg_tot_Mbits This counter tracks the total number of bridged Mb.
tcp_cur_ServerConn This counter tracks the server connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcp_cur_ServerConnClosing This counter tracks the server connections in the Closing state, which indicates that the connection termination process has initiated but it is not complete.
tcp_cur_ServerConnEst This counter tracks the server connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between NetScaler and the server.
tcp_cur_ServerConnOpening This counter tracks the server connections in the Opening state, which indicates that the handshakes are not yet complete.
tcp_cur_ClientConn This counter tracks the client connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcp_cur_ClientConnClosing This counter tracks the client connections in the Closing state, which indicates that the connection termination process has initiated but is not complete.
tcp_cur_ClientConnEst This counter tracks the current client connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between NetScaler and the client.
tcp_cur_ClientConnOpening This counter tracks the client connections in the Opening state, which indicates that the handshakes are not yet complete.
tcp_cur_surgequeuelen This counter tracks the connections in the surge queue. When NetScaler cannot open a connection to the server, for example when maximum connections are reached, the appliance queues these requests.
tcp_cur_GlobalReusePool This counter tracks the spare connections available. The connection on the server is not closed after completing the request from the first client to save time and resources in establishing another connection for a new client. This connection is available for serving future requests.
tcp_cur_active_server_conn This counter tracks connections to a server currently responding to requests.
tcp_cur_nServers This counter tracks the number of physical servers that NetScaler has established connections.
tcp_tot_reuse_hit This counter tracks the total number of client transactions found with the server connection in the reuse-pool.

Application security and API security metrics

This section contains information about a set of counters related to application security.

Bot metrics

The following table lists a set of metrics related to the bot profile.

counter name Description
bot_Requests_profile Specifies the number of HTTP or HTTPS requests sent to your protected web servers via the bot profile.
bot_Responses_profile Specifies the number of HTTP or HTTPS responses sent by your protected web servers via the bot profile.
bot_req_bytes_profile Specifies the number of bytes transferred for requests.
bot_res_bytes_profile Specifies the number of bytes transferred for responses.
bot_tot_drop_profile Specifies the total number of drops by the bot profile.
bot_tot_log_profile Specifies the total number of logs by the bot profile.
bot_tot_redirect_profile Specifies the total number of redirects by the bot profile.
bot_tot_reset_profile Specifies the total number of resets by the bot profile.
bot_viol_black_list_drop_profile Specifies the number of block list violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_black_list_log_profile Specifies the number of block list violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_black_list_profile Specifies the number of block list violations seen by the bot profile.
bot_viol_black_list_redirect_profile Specifies the number of block list violations redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_black_list_reset_profile Specifies the number of block list violations reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_captcha_drop_profile Specifies the number of CAPTCHA challenge failures dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_captcha_log_profile Specifies the number of CAPTCHA challenge failures logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_captcha_profile Specifies the number of CAPTCHA challenge failures seen by the bot profile.
bot_viol_captcha_redirect_profile Specifies the number of CAPTCHA challenge failures redirected by the bot profile.
bot_viol_captcha_reset_profile Specifies the number of CAPTCHA challenge failures reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_device_fingerprint_captcha_profile Specifies the number of device fingerprint violation requests for which a CAPTCHA challenge was sent due to the bot profile.
bot_viol_device_fingerprint_drop_profile Specifies the number of device fingerprint violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_device_fingerprint_log_profile Specifies the number of device fingerprint violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_device_fingerprint_profile Specifies the number of device fingerprint violations seen by the bot profile.
bot_viol_device_fingerprint_redirect_profile Specifies the number of device fingerprint violations requests redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_device_fingerprint_reset_profile Specifies the number of device fingerprint violations reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_iprep_captcha_profile Specifies the number of IP reputation violation requests for which a CAPTCHA challenge was sent.
bot_viol_iprep_drop_profile Specifies the number of IP reputation violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_iprep_log_profile Specifies the number of IP reputation violations logged by the bot Profile.
bot_viol_iprep_profile Specifies the number of IP reputation violations seen by the bot profile.
bot_viol_iprep_redirect_profile Specifies the number of IP reputation violations requests redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_iprep_reset_profile Specifies the number of IP reputation violations reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_rate_limit_drop_profile Specifies the number of rate limiting violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_rate_limit_log_profile Specifies the number of rate limiting violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_rate_limit_profile Specifies the number of rate limiting violations seen by the bot profile.
bot_viol_rate_limit_redirect_profile Specifies the number of rate limiting violations requests redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_rate_limit_reset_profile Specifies the number of rate-limiting violations reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_static_signature_drop_profile Specifies the number of static signature violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_static_signature_log_profile Specifies the number of static signature violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_static_signature_profile Specifies the number of static signature violations seen by the bot profile.
bot_viol_static_signature_redirect_profile Specifies the number of static signature violations redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_static_signature_reset_profile Specifies the number of static signature violations reset by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_tps_captcha_profile Specifies the number of transactions per second (TPS) violation requests for which a CAPTCHA challenge was sent due to the bot profile.
bot_viol_tps_drop_profile Specifies the number of TPS violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_tps_log_profile Specifies the number of TPS violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_tps_profile Specifies the number of TPS violations observed by the bot profile.
bot_viol_tps_redirect_profile Specifies the number of TPS violations requests redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_tps_reset_profile Specifies the number of TPS violations reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_trap_drop_profile Specifies the number of bot trap violations dropped by the bot profile.
bot_viol_trap_log_profile Specifies the number of bot trap violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_trap_profile Specifies the number of bot trap violations observed by the bot profile.
bot_viol_trap_redirect_profile Specifies the number of bot trap violations requests redirected by the bot profile to a different webpage or web server.
bot_viol_trap_reset_profile Specifies the number of bot trap violations reset by the bot profile.
bot_viol_white_list_log_profile Specifies the number of allow list violations logged by the bot profile.
bot_viol_white_list_profile Specifies the number of allow list violations observed by the bot profile.

NetScaler system metrics

This section provides information about metrics related to NetScaler infrastructure.

System metrics

System metrics are used for NetScaler system resource monitoring such as CPU, and memory. The following table lists a set of NetScaler system metrics and description.

Metrics name Description
allnic_tot_rx_mbit This counter tracks the amount of data (in MB) received by the NetScaler appliance.
allnic_tot_tx_mbits This counter tracks the amount of data (in MB) transmitted by the NetScaler appliance.
cpu_speed_expected This counter tracks the CPU speed in MHz.
cpu_usage This counter tracks the CPU utilization percentage.
cpu_use This counter tracks the CPU utilization: percentage * 10.
cur_moninfo This counter tracks the number of monitor bindings defined on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_monitor This counter tracks the number of monitors defined on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_server This counter tracks the number of servers defined on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_service This counter tracks the number of services defined on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_servinfo This counter tracks the number of virtual server bindings on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_svcgroup This counter tracks the number of service groups defined on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_svcgroup_svcitem This counter tracks the number of service group members defined on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_svcgroup_vsrvitem This counter tracks the number of virtual server, service group bindings on this NetScaler appliance.
cur_syshealth_disk0_avail This counter tracks the available space in the /flash partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_disk0_errors This counter tracks the disk (/flash) error counter.
cur_syshealth_disk0_pusage This counter tracks the cur_syshealth_disk0_errors.
cur_syshealth_disk0_size This counter tracks the size of the /flash partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_disk0_used This counter tracks the used space in the /flash partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_disk1_avail This counter tracks the available space in the /var partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_disk1_errors This counter tracks the number of errors on the /var partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_disk1_pusage This counter tracks the used space in the /var partition of the disk, as a percentage. You can configure the used percentage with the set snmp alarm DISK-USAGE-HIGH command.
cur_syshealth_disk1_size This counter tracks the size of the /var partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_disk1_used This counter tracks the used space in the /var partition of the hard disk.
cur_syshealth_fan0 This counter tracks the system fan speed and the acceptable range is 3000–6000 RPM. You can configure the system fan speed by using the set snmp alarm FAN-SPEED-LOW command to set the lower limit.
cur_syshealth_fan1 This counter tracks the speed of system fan 1.
cur_syshealth_fan2 This counter tracks the speed of system fan 2.
cur_syshealth_fan3 This counter tracks the speed of fan 0 if the associated pin is connected to the health monitoring chip.
cur_syshealth_fan4 This counter tracks the speed of fan 1 if the associated pin is connected to the health monitoring chip.
cur_syshealth_fan5 This counter tracks the speed of fan 2 if the associated pin is connected to the health monitoring chip.
cur_syshealth_fan6 This counter tracks the speed of fan 3 if the associated pin is connected to the health monitoring chip.
cur_syshealth_fancpu0 This counter tracks the CPU fan 0 speed. The acceptable range is 3000–6000 RPM. You can configure CPU fan 0 speed by using the set snmp alarm FAN-SPEED-LOW command to set the lower limit.
cur_syshealth_fancpu1 This counter tracks the speed of CPU fan 1. The acceptable range is 3000–6000 RPM. You can configure CPU fan 1 speed by using the set snmp alarm FAN-SPEED-LOW command to set the lower limit.
cur_syshealth_ps1fail This counter tracks the power supply 1 failure status.
cur_syshealth_ps2fail This counter tracks the power supply 2 failure status.
cur_syshealth_ps3fail1 This counter tracks the power supply 3 failure status.
cur_syshealth_ps4fail This counter tracks the power supply 4 failure status.
cur_syshealth_tcpu0 This counter tracks the CPU 0 temperature. You can configure CPU 0 temperature by using the set snmp alarm TEMPERATURE-HIGH command to set the upper limit.
cur_syshealth_tcpu1 This counter tracks the CPU 1 temperature. You can configure CPU 1 temperature by using the set snmp alarm TEMPERATURE-HIGH command to set the upper limit.
cur_syshealth_temp0 This counter tracks the temperature of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 0.
cur_syshealth_temp1 This counter tracks the temperature of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 1.
cur_syshealth_temp2 This counter tracks the temperature of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 2.
cur_syshealth_temp3 This counter tracks the temperature of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 3.
cur_syshealth_tint This counter tracks the internal temperature of the health monitoring chip. You can configure the internal temperature by using the set snmp alarm TEMPERATURE-HIGH command to set the upper limit.
cur_syshealth_v12n This counter tracks the power supply -12 V output. The acceptable range is -13.20–-10.80 volts.
cur_syshealth_v12p This counter tracks the power supply +12 V output. The acceptable range is 10.80–13.20 volts.
cur_syshealth_v33main You can configure the standby 3.3 V supply voltage by using the set snmp alarm VOLTAGE-LOW command to set the lower limit and the set snmp alarm VOLTAGE-HIGH command to set the upper limit.
cur_syshealth_v33stby This counter tracks the output of standby power supply +3.3 V. The acceptable range is 2.970–3.630 volts.
cur_syshealth_v50n This counter tracks the output of power supply -5 V. The acceptable range is -5.50–-4.50 volts.
cur_syshealth_v50p This counter tracks the output of power supply +5 V.
cur_syshealth_v5sb This counter tracks the output of power supply 5 V standby.
cur_syshealth_vbat This counter tracks the output of onboard battery power supply.
cur_syshealth_vcc0 This counter tracks the CPU core 0 voltage. The acceptable range is 1.080–1.650 volts.
cur_syshealth_vcc1 This counter tracks the CPU core 1 voltage. The acceptable range is 1.080–1.650 volts. If CPU 1 is not connected to the health monitoring chip, then display shows the voltage of CPU 0.
cur_syshealth_volt0 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 0.
cur_syshealth_volt1 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 1.
cur_syshealth_volt2 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 2.
cur_syshealth_volt3 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 3.
cur_syshealth_volt4 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 4.
cur_syshealth_volt5 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected the health monitoring chip through pin 5.
cur_syshealth_volt6 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to the health monitoring chip through pin 6.
cur_syshealth_volt7 This counter tracks the voltage of a device connected to a health monitoring chip through pin 7.
cur_syshealth_vsen2 This counter tracks the voltage sensor 2 input.
cur_syshealth_vtt This counter tracks the Intel CPU VTT power (volts).
master_cpu_usage This counter tracks the CPU 0 (currently the main CPU) utilization, as a percentage of capacity.
master_cpu_use This counter tracks the CPU0 utilization: percentage * 10.
mem_cur_feature_allocpercen This counter tracks the percentage of NetScaler appliance memory used by the feature.
mem_cur_feature_allocsize This counter tracks the total current NetScaler appliance memory available for use by the feature, in kilobytes.
mem_err_feature_alloc_failed This counter tracks the memory allocation failure for a particular feature.
mem_tot_allocated This counter tracks the currently allocated memory, in MB.
mem_tot_allocated_pcnt This counter tracks the currently allocated memory in percent.
mem_tot_MB This counter tracks the total main memory available for use by the packet engine (PE), in MB.
mem_tot_use_MB This counter tracks the total NetScaler memory in use, in MB.
mem_usage_pcnt This counter tracks the percentage of memory utilization on NetScaler.
mem_usage_percent This counter tracks the percentage of memory utilization on a NetScaler appliance.
mem_use_MB This counter tracks the main memory currently in use, in MB.
mgmt_cpu_usage_pcn This counter tracks the management CPU utilization percentage.
mgmt_cpu_use This counter tracks the management CPU utilization: percentage * 10.
ns_interval This counter tracks the interval in seconds between performance monitoring records taken on the NetScaler appliance.
ns_time This counter tracks the current time set on the NetScaler appliance.
shmem_cur_alloc_pcnt This counter tracks the shared memory in use in percentage.
shmem_cur_allocsize This counter tracks the shared memory (MB) in use.
shmem_max_allowed This counter tracks the total shared memory (MB) allowed for allocation.
slave_cpu_usage This counter tracks the CPU 1 (currently the subordinate CPU) utilization, as a percentage of capacity. Not applicable for a single-CPU system.
slave_cpu_use This counter tracks the CPU 1 utilization, percentage * 10.
sys_cpus This counter tracks the number of CPUs on the NetScaler appliance.
sys_cpus_1 This counter tracks the number of CPUs on the NetScaler appliance.
sys_cur_duration_sincestart This counter tracks the seconds after the NetScaler appliance started.
sys_memorysize_MB This counter tracks the total amount of system memory, in MB.
sys_starttime This counter tracks the time when the NetScaler appliance was last started.
sys_tot_config_changes This counter tracks the number of times a configuration change was made on the NetScaler appliance.
sys_tot_save_configs This counter tracks the number of times the system configuration was saved on the NetScaler appliance.

SSL metrics

The following table lists some of the SSL counters and description.

Metrics name Description
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TotalSessionCount Specifies the number of SSL sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TotalTxCount Specifies the number of SSL transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv2TxCount Specifies the number of SSLv2 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv3TxCount Specifies the number of SSLv3 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv1TxCount Specifies the number of TLSv1 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv11TxCount Specifies the number of TLS1.1 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv12TxCount Specifies the number of TLSv1.2 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv13TxCount Specifies the number of TLSv1.3 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv1TxCount Specifies the number of DTLSv1 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv12TxCount Specifies the number of DTLSv1.2 transactions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv2SessCount Specifies the number of SSLv2 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv3SessCount Specifies the number of SSLv3 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv1SessCount Specifies the number of TLSv1 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv11SessCount Specifies the number of TLSv1.1 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv12SessCount Specifies the number of TLSv1.2 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv13SessCount Specifies the number of TLSv1.3 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv1SessCount Specifies the number of DTLSv1 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv12SessCount Specifies the number of DTLSv1.2 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SessionNew Specifies the number of new SSL sessions created on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SessionMiss Specifies the number of SSL session reuse misses on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SessionHits Specifies the number of SSL session reuse hits on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TotalSessionCount Specifies the number of back-end SSL sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_SSLv3SessCount Specifies the number of back-end SSLv3 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv1SessCount Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv11SessCount Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.1 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv12SessCount Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.2 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_DTLSv1SessCount Specifies the number of back-end DTLSv1 sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TotalSessMultiPlxAttempts Specifies the number of back-end SSL session multiplex attempts on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TotalSessMultiPlxSuccess Specifies the number of back-end SSL session multiplex successes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TotalSessMultiPlxFailure Specifies the number of back-end SSL session multiplex failures on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_enc_bytes Specifies the number of bytes encrypted on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_dec_bytes Specifies the number of bytes decrypted on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslServerInRecords Specifies the number of SSL servers in record on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SessionRenegotiate Specifies the number of SSL session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv3Renego Specifies the number of session renegotiations done on SSLv3.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv1Renego Specifies the number of SSL session renegotiations done on TLSv1.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv11Renego Specifies the number of SSL session renegotiations done on TLSv1.1.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv12Renego Specifies the number of SSL session renegotiations done on TLSv1.2.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv1Renego Specifies the number of SSL session renegotiations done on DTLSv1.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv12Renego Specifies the number of SSL session renegotiations done on DTLSv1.2.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_RSA_512 Specifies the number of RSA 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_RSA_1024 Specifies the number of RSA 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_RSA_2048 Specifies the number of RSA 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_RSA_3072 Specifies the number of RSA 3072-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_RSA_4096 Specifies the number of RSA 4096-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_DH_512 Specifies the number of Diffie-Hellman 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_DH_1024 Specifies the number of Diffie-Hellman 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_DH_2048 Specifies the number of Diffie-Hellman 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_DH_4096 Specifies the number of Diffie-Hellman 4096-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_ECDHE_curve_secp521r1 Specifies the number of 521 Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_ECDHE_curve_secp384r1 Specifies the number of 384 Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_ECDHE_curve_secp256r1 Specifies the number of 256 Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_ECDHE_curve_secp224r1 Specifies the number of 224 Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_ECDHE_Tx Specifies the total number of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (ECDHE) transactions on NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC4_40 Specifies the number of RC4 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC4_56 Specifies the number of RC4 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC4_64 Specifies the number of RC4 64-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC4_128 Specifies the number of RC4 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_DES_40 Specifies the number of DES 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_DES_56 Specifies the number of DES 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_3DES_168 Specifies the number of DES 168-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_AES_128 Specifies the number of AES 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_AES_256 Specifies the number of AES 256-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC2_40 Specifies the number of RC2 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC2_56 Specifies the number of RC2 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_RC2_128 Specifies the number of RC2 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_AESGCM_128 Specifies the number of AEC-GCM 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_AESGCM_256 Specifies the number of AEC-GCM 256-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Cipher_NULL Specifies the number of Null cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Hash_MD5 Specifies the number of MD5 hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Hash_SHA Specifies the number of SHA hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Hash_SHA256 Specifies the number of SHA256 hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Hash_SHA384 Specifies the number of SHA384 hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv2HandskCount Specifies the number of handshakes on SSLv2 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_SSLv3HandskCount Specifies the number of handshakes on SSLv3 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv1HandskCount Specifies the number of SSL handshakes on TLSv1 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv11HandskCount Specifies the number of SSL handshakes on TLSv1.1 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv12HandskCount Specifies the number of SSL handshakes on TLSv1.2 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_TLSv13HandskCount Specifies the number of SSL handshakes on TLSv1.3 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv1HandskCount Specifies the number of SSL handshakes on DTLSv1 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_DTLSv12HandskCount Specifies the number of SSL handshakes on DTLSv1.2 on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_SSLv2CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on SSLv2.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_SSLv3CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on SSLv3.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_TLSv1CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on TLSv1.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_TLSv11CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on TLSv1.1.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_TLSv12CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on TLSv1.2.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_TLSv13CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on TLSv1.3.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_DTLSv1CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on DTLSv1.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_DTLSv12CA Specifies the number of client authentications done on DTLSv1.2.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Auth_RSA Specifies the number of RSA authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Auth_DH Specifies the number of Diffie-Hellman authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Auth_DSS TotalSpecifies the number of times DSS authorization is used on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Auth_ECDSA TotalSpecifies the number of times ECDSA authorization is used on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Auth_NULL Specifies the number of Null authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_SessionRenegotiate Specifies the number of back-end SSL session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_SSLv3Renego Specifies the number of back-end SSLv3 session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv1Renego Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1 session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv11Renego Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.1 session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv12Renego Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.2 session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_DTLSv1Renego Specifies the number of back-end DTLSv1 session renegotiations on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_RSA_512 Specifies the number of back-end RSA 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_RSA_1024 Specifies the number of back-end RSA 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_RSA_2048 Specifies the number of back-end RSA 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_RSA_3072 Specifies the number of back-end RSA 3072-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_RSA_4096 Specifies the number of back-end RSA 4096-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_DH_512 Specifies the number of back-end DH 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_DH_1024 Specifies the number of back-end DH 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_DH_2048 Specifies the number of back-end DH 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_KeyEx_DH_4096 Specifies the number of back-end DH 4096-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_backend_ecdhe_curve_secp521r1 Specifies the number of back-end ECDHE 521 curve Key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_backend_ecdhe_curve_secp384r1 Specifies the number of back-end ECDHE 384 curve Key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_backend_ecdhe_curve_secp256r1 Specifies the number of back-end ECDHE 256 curve Key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_KeyEx_backend_ecdhe_curve_secp224r1 Specifies the number of back-end ECDHE 224 curve Key exchanges on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC4_40 Specifies the number of back-end RC4 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC4_56 Specifies the number of back-end RC4 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC4_64 Specifies the number of back-end RC4 64-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC4_128 Specifies the number of back-end RC4 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_DES_40 Specifies the number of back-end DES 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_DES_56 Specifies the number of back-end DES 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_3DES_168 Specifies the number of back-end 3DES 168-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_AES_128 Specifies the back-end AES 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_AES_256 Specifies the back-end AES 256-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC2_40 Specifies the number of back-end RC2 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC2_56 Specifies the number of back-end RC2 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_RC2_128 Specifies the number of back-end RC2 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_AESGCM_128 Specifies the number of back-end AES-GCM 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_AESGCM_256 Specifies the back-end AES-GCM 256-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Cipher_NULL Specifies the number of back-end null cipher encryptions on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Hash_MD5 Specifies the number of back-end MD5 hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Hash_SHA Specifies the number of back-end SHA hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Hash_SHA256 Specifies the number of back-end SHA256 hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Hash_SHA384 Specifies the number of back-end SHA384 hashes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_SSLv3HandskCount Specifies the number of back-end SSLv3 handshakes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv1HandskCount Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1 handshakes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv11HandskCount Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.1 handshakes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_TLSv12HandskCount Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.2 handshakes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_DTLSv1HandskCount Specifies the number of back-end DTLSv1 handshakes on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_Backend_SSLv3CA Specifies the number of back-end SSLv3 client authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_Backend_TLSv1CA Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1 client authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_Backend_TLSv11CA Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.1 client authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_Backend_TLSv12CA Specifies the number of back-end TLSv1.2 client authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_Backend_DTLSv1CA Specifies the number of back-end DTLSv1 client authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Auth_RSA Specifies the number of back-end RSA authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Auth_DH Specifies the number of back-end DH authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Auth_DSS Specifies the number of back-end DSS authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Auth_ECDSA Specifies the number of back-end ECDSA authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslInfo_Backend_Auth_NULL Specifies the number of back-end null authentications on the NetScaler.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_KeyExOff_RSA Specifies the number of RSA key exchanges offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_SignOff_RSA Specifies the number of RSA sign operations offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_KeyExOff_DH Specifies the number of DH key exchanges offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_BulkOff_RC4 Specifies the number of RC4 encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_BulkOff_DES Specifies the number of DES encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_BulkOff_AES Specifies the number of AES encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_BulkOff_AESGCM_128 Specifies the number of AES-GCM 128-bit encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_sslEvent_BulkOff_AESGCM_256 Specifies the number of AES-GCM 256-bit encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
ssl_tot_hw_enc_bytes Specifies the number of bytes encrypted in hardware.
ssl_tot_sw_enc_bytes Specifies the number of bytes encrypted in software.
ssl_tot_enc_bytes_FE Specifies the number of bytes encrypted on the front-end.
ssl_tot_hw_enc_bytes_FE Specifies the number of bytes encrypted in hardware on the front-end.
ssl_tot_sw_enc_bytes_FE Specifies the number of bytes encrypted in software on the front-end.
ssl_tot_enc_bytes_BE Specifies the number of bytes encrypted on the back-end.
ssl_tot_hw_enc_bytes_BE Specifies the number of bytes encrypted in hardware on the back-end.
ssl_tot_sw_enc_bytes_BE Specifies the number of bytes encrypted in software on the back-end.
ssl_tot_hw_dec_bytes Specifies the number of bytes decrypted in hardware.
ssl_tot_sw_dec_bytes Specifies the number of bytes decrypted in software.
ssl_tot_dec_bytes_FE Specifies the number of bytes decrypted on the front-end.
ssl_tot_hw_dec_bytes_FE Specifies the number of bytes decrypted in hardware on the front-end.
ssl_tot_sw_dec_bytes_FE Specifies the number of bytes decrypted in software on the front-end.
ssl_tot_dec_bytes_BE Specifies the number of bytes decrypted on the back-end.
ssl_tot_hw_dec_bytes_BE Specifies the number of bytes decrypted in hardware on the back-end.
ssl_tot_sw_dec_bytes_BE Specifies the number of bytes decrypted in software on the back-end.
ssl_cur_sslInfo_SPCBInUseCount Specifies the number of SPCB in use.
ssl_cur_session_inuse Specifies the number of active SSL sessions on the NetScaler.
ssl_cur_q_size Specifies the current queue size.
ssl_cur_sslInfo_nsCardInQCount Specifies the number of current SSL card InQ counts.
ssl_cur_sslInfo_cardinBlkQ Specifies the number of current SSL cards In BulkQ counts.
ssl_cur_sslInfo_cardinKeyQ Specifies the number of current SSL cards In KeyQ counts.
NetScaler metrics reference