
License Server telemetry data elements

Metadata fields

Field Description Example
ClientTool This field isn’t in use. Not applicable
UploadUser This field isn’t in use. Not applicable
UTCDate Report generation time in UTC format. 2022-06-30T15:31:34Z
Date Indicates the upload bundle creation date. 06/30/2022 11:31:34
Product Identifies the upload bundle. LicenseServer.OnPremUsage
ProductVersion Indicates Manifest schema version. 1.0
ProductDeployUTCDate Denotes the time when the License Server is installed. 2022-03-21T00:00:00Z
GUID A unique identifier created during install and preserved during upgrade. This field is used to identify which uploads are from the same server. a5ae17c9-8a4a-4318-938f-a8c6da2aa2ef
UploadType Indicates if the license upload is manual or automatic. Auto
Ccid Indicates the Citrix Cloud Customer ID; only available with the registered License Server. xaxddaily1
OrgID Indicates the Org ID, the installed licenses are tied to; only available with the registered License Server. 23456123
TotalFiles Indicates the total number of files in the upload bundle. 6
SerialNumbers → Serial → ID Represents the product code associated with the installed license. XDS_ADV_CCS
SerialNumbers → Serial → SADate Represents the CSS date associated with the installed license. 2023.1201
SerialNumbers → Serial → SN Identifies who is entitled to the product. eval1
File → Name Name of the uploaded file.
File → UI Hash to indicate the integrity of the file. 4d14a58f98b1ae2e9d965b2980b67853cfcac7c76e655952bd056ad6dc7a80ae
File → EventStartTS Indicates the bundle data start time. 1697417241680
File → EventEndTS Indicates the bundle data end time. 1697430741834
File → OfferingType → Name Indicates the product. Broker
FilesUI Hash to indicate integrity of the bundle. 4d14a58f98b1ae2e9d965b2980b67853cfcac7c76e655952bd056ad6dc7a80ff
ManifestUI Hash to indicate integrity of the manifest. 4d14a58f98b1ae2e9d965b2980b67853cfcac7c76e655952bd056ad6dc7a8345
LSVersion Identifies the License Server version. build 48000
DiskFreeMB Identifies the free disk space in megabytes. 357821
DiskTotalMB Identifies the total disk space in megabytes. 383070
UI This field ensures the integrity of the uploaded file. 8826d6ac8e1c8e68e471ae90c2bacbe1854f8281a6f5ae40cc7b74114e026abc
LasOrgId Indicates the Org ID provided by the LAS service 23456123
License Server telemetry data elements