Session Recording

Fixed issues

Compared with: Session Recording 2407

Session Recording 2411 adds the following fixes:

  • The H.264 package dropping feature might not work as expected. [SRT-13478]

  • You might encounter the error USP_AddLoggingEventLogging is missing in Windows Event Viewer after upgrading Session Recording from a version earlier than 2009. [SRT-12913]

  • Attempts to install additional Session Recording servers and connect them to the same Session Recording database might fail when SQL server authentication is selected. The issue doesn’t affect the first Session Recording server installed and connected to the Session Recording database, but it does affect subsequent Session Recording servers. To work around the issue, you can install the additional Session Recording servers using a command similar to the following:

     msiexec /i "SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi" ADDLOCAL="SsRecServer,PolicyConsole,SsRecLogging,StorageDatabase" DATABASEINSTANCE="DatabaseConnectionString " DATABASENAME="CitrixSessionRecording" LOGGINGDATABASENAME="CitrixSessionRecordingLogging" AZURESQLSERVICESUPPORT="1" CLOUDDBSUPPORT="1" AZUREUSERNAME="CloudSQLAdminName" AZUREPASSWORD="CloudSQLAdminPassword" /q /l*vx "c:\WithLogging.log"


  • Attempts to save the Session Recording policy settings might fail and you can obtain the following error message by using CDFControl:

     This operation is blocked. Session Recording Administrator Logging failed. The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type SmAudLoggingInterface.LogOperation. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 186, position 62.'. Please see InnerException for more details.


  • When the DNS name differs from the domain name, the sr_lb_map.xml file generated using SrServerConfigurationSync.ps1 contains incorrect Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) for the redirection mapping of Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) in load-balanced deployments. [SRT-13158]

  • When the SQL database reaches its saturation capacity, recording files become corrupted due to missing data in the file headers, resulting in the message “The file is not a recorded session file or is possibly corrupt.” when played in the Session Recording player. This issue is fixed in the 2411 release. For corrupted files prior to 2411, you can run the ICLDB REPAIR [/LISTFILES] [/RECURSIVE] [/L] [/F] [/S] [/?] [<file>] [<directory>] command to repair them. Repaired files can be found at %AppData%\Citrix\SessionRecording\Restore. [SRT-12442]

Fixed issues

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