
Application Crashes & Hangs Metrics

Application Errors

For every application error uberAgent collects metrics like application name and version, process lifetime as well as the exception code.

Note: processes are auto-grouped into applications, i.e. the application name is determined automatically without requiring any configuration. Information on how this works are available here.

Note for macOS: The fields Module* are not available for ErrorTypeName Hang.


  • Source type: uberAgent:Application:Errors
  • Used in dashboards: Application Errors, Single Machine Detail, Single Application Detail, Single User Detail
  • Enabled through configuration setting: ApplicationErrors
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: all for application crashes, Windows for application hangs

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Example Platform
ErrorType Error type code. Possible values: 1, 2. Please take a look at the field ErrorTypeName, too. Number   Snapshot 1 all
ProcName Process name. String   Snapshot chrome.exe all
ProcPath Process path. String   Snapshot C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe all
ProcVersion Process version. String   Snapshot 67.0.3396.99 all
ProcTimestamp Build timestamp of the process binary, embedded PE header information. String   Snapshot 2017-06-02 11:43:43.000 +0200 Windows
ModuleName Faulting module name. String   Snapshot msvcrt.dll all
ModulePath Faulting module path. String   Snapshot C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll all
ModuleVersion Faulting module version. String   Snapshot 7.0.9600.17415 all
ModuleTimestamp Build timestamp of the faulting module, embedded PE header information. String   Snapshot 2014-10-29 04:04:30.000 +0200 Windows
ProcID Process ID. Number   Snapshot 456 all
ProcLifetimeMs Process lifetime. Number ms Sum 82744165 all
ExceptionCode Exception code. String   Snapshot 0xc0000005 all
FaultOffset An address offset relative to the base address of the crashed image. String   Snapshot 0x0000b5f0 all
AppPackageFullName Microsoft UWP app full name. More information. String   Snapshot Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI_1000.17134.1.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy Windows
AppPackageRelativeId Microsoft UWP app relative ID. More information. String   Snapshot xbox Windows
AppId Associated application ID. Used by uberAgent to lookup application names and populate field AppName. String   Snapshot GglChrm all
ProcUser Process user. String   Snapshot Domain\JohnDoe all
SessionGUID Unique identifier that is generated by uberAgent when the session is created. Valid for this session only. String   Snapshot 00000002-f295-9109-e7c7-c964011dd401 all
ProcGUID Unique identifier that is generated by uberAgent when the process is started. String   Snapshot 00000000-0599-6955-eb63-a00bb127d401 all
AppVersion Application version. String   Snapshot 67.0.3396.99 all
HangType Hang type. Requires Windows 10 1903. Possible values: Cross-process, Cross-thread, Quiesce, Top level window is idle, Unknown. String   Snapshot Cross-process Windows
ProcImageUUID A unique identifier of the binary image that was executed. String   Snapshot D61D3713-69F9-32C3-B001-E509C0A8EE0A macOS
ModuleImageUUID A unique identifier of the binary image in which the crash occurred. String   Snapshot D61D3713-69F9-32C3-B001-E509C0A8EE0A macOS

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Where available Example
ErrorTypeName Display name of the ErrorType field. Possible values: Crash, Hang. String   Snapshot Splunk data model, Splunk SPL Hang
User User name. String   Snapshot Splunk data model Domain\JohnDoe
AppName Associated application name. String   Snapshot Splunk data model, Splunk SPL Google Chrome
Application Crashes & Hangs Metrics