
Components: Agents & Apps

uberAgent consists of two main components: the actual agent runs on the endpoints you want to be monitored, sending the data it collects to the configured backend either directly or via Splunk’s Universal Forwarder. The second main component, implemented as a set of Splunk apps, provides dashboards, visualizations, searches, and reports.

The Agent

uberAgent’s data collecting component is a lightweight agent that runs independently of any runtimes or frameworks. The agent’s footprint is so small that it is truly unobtrusive on the monitored endpoints and does not affect user density.

Where other products rely on operating system sources such as performance counters, WMI, or similar unfiltered data, uberAgent comes with its own metrics. Instead of raw data uberAgent gives you information that matters (see uberAgent’s list of metrics).

The agent is highly configurable: metrics can be turned on or off individually, the data collection frequency can be chosen freely, denylists and allowlists (supporting regular expressions) enable fine-grained control. This ensures that only data you really need is sent to the backend for indexing.

Browser Extensions

uberAgent’s endpoint agent is complemented by browser extensions, which enable uberAgent to collect performance and usage metrics from web apps, too. Extensions are available for all major browsers.

The Splunk Apps

Multiple Splunk apps help process and visualize the data collected by the agent. The indexer app lives on Splunk indexers and mainly creates uberAgent’s index and data input. Dashboard apps implement the user interface, providing different views into the collected data. uberAgent comes with two dashboard apps: one for uberAgent UXM and another for uberAgent ESA.

uberAgent’s main apps are complemented by special-purpose apps that offer a different view of the existing uberAgent data, such as the uberAgent Helpdesk app.

Most dashboards are searchable and have extensive filtering capabilities to give you a fast and powerful way of isolating specific data. Time range pickers make it easy to go back to the exact time a problem occurred.

uberAgent makes full use of Splunk’s advanced UI components to display a beautiful user interface that fluidly adapts to screen width and device type. As a result, it works equally well on a tablet as on a PC or Mac.

Alternative Backends

uberAgent supports several backends in addition to Splunk: Azure Monitor, Elasticsearch, and Apache Kafka. Please note that at this time support is limited to sending data from the endpoint agent to the backend. Dashboards are only available for Splunk.

Components: Agents & Apps