Session Metrics
Session Detail
uberAgent collects metrics like the session ID, connection state, protocol latency, and foreground application per user session.
- Source type:
- Used in dashboards: Application Usage, Machine Uptime, SBC Sizing and Capacity Planning, Session 0, Session Info: Citrix, Session Info: VMware, User Session Overview, User Sessions, Single Application Performance, Single Machine Performance, Single User Performance, Analyze data over time
- Enabled through configuration setting:
- Related configuration settings: n/a
- Please also review the metric dependencies.
List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data
Field | Description | Data type | Unit | Example | Platform |
SessionID | Session ID generated by the OS. Session IDs are reused and cannot be used to uniquely identify a session. Use SessionGUID for that purpose instead. |
Number | 3 | all | |
SessionLogonTime | Time when the user logged on. | String | 2018-07-23 10:06:02.123 +0200 | all | |
SessionProtocol | Remoting protocol used to connect to the session. Possible values on Windows: Console , ICA , RDP , PCoIP , Blast , Frame , Protocol [ID] .Possible values on macOS: Console , RFB , SSH , Protocol [ID].
String | ICA | all | |
SessionConnectionState | Session connection state. Possible values: active , connected , connecting , shadowing ,disconnected , idle , listening , reset , down , initializing , unknown , Unsupported state: [ID] . |
String | active | Win | |
SessionProcessCount | Number of processes that are running in the session. | Number | 34 | all | |
SessionCPUTimeMs | Session CPU usage (absolute usage in milliseconds). | Number | ms | 3000 | all |
SessionCPUUsagePercent | Process CPU usage (relative usage in percent). | Number | % | 29 | all |
SessionIOPS | I/O operations per second of all processes in the session combined. | Number | 500 | Win | |
SessionIOCount | I/O operation count of all processes in the session combined. | Number | 300 | Win | |
SessionIOMB | I/O data volume of all processes in the session combined. | Number | MB | 20 | all |
SessionIOLatencyMs | Latency of I/O operations. | Number | ms | 300 | Win |
SessionWorkingSetMB | RAM usage (working set) of all processes in the session combined. | Number | MB | 450.2 | all |
SessionNetKBPS | Process network traffic data volume per second of all processes in the session combined. | Number | KB | 21 | Win |
SessionUser | User name. | String | Domain\JohnDoe | all | |
SessionGUID | Unique identifier for a session that is generated by uberAgent. | String | 00000002-f295-9109-e7c7-c964011dd401 | all | |
SessionRpLatencyMs2 | Remoting protocol latency. This field is filled with the latency in ms at collection time. If the protocol is ICA, uberAgent uses the perfmon counter Latency - Last Recorded as the source. This metric is different from Citrix Round-Trip-Time (more information). |
Number | ms | 30 | Win |
SessionClientMac | Remote client MAC address. Only collected for VMware sessions. | String | AC-ED-5C-02-F0-30 | Win | |
SessionClientIp | Remote client IP address. | String | | all | |
SessionClientName | Remote client name. | String | Client1 | Win | |
SessionClientDomain | Remote client Active Directory domain. | String | | Win | |
SessionClientUser | Remote client user name. | String | JohnDoe | Win | |
SessionClientUserDomain | Remote client user Active Directory domain. | String | Domain | Win | |
SessionHRes | Horizontal resolution. | String | 1920 | Win | |
SessionVRes | Vertical resolution. | String | 1080 | Win | |
SessionColorDepth | Color depth. | String | 32 | Win | |
SessionClientPlatform | Remote client platform. | String | Windows | Win | |
SessionClientVersion | Remote client version. | String | | Win | |
SessionClientOsLanguage | Remote client operating system language. | String | en-us | Win | |
SessionPublishedName | Published resource name. This resource was used to start or connect to the session. | String | Google Chrome | Win | |
SessionPublishedAppsCtx | List of used Citrix published apps in the session. | String | Word Excel | Win | |
SessionAppStateCtx | Citrix application state. Possible values: n/a , active , pre-launched , lingering , app not running , unsupported . |
String | lingering | Win | |
SessionEncryptionCtx | Citrix remoting protocol encryption. Possible values: unknown , basic , logon , 40 bit , 56 bit , 128 bit , SecureICA , unsupported . |
String | SecureICA | Win | |
SessionClientTypeCtx | Citrix client type. Possible values: WI , ICA Client . |
String | WI | Win | |
SessionBrokerDnsVmw | VMware broker DNS name. | String | | Win | |
SessionBrokerUrlVmw | VMware broker URL. | String | | Win | |
SessionBrokerTunneledVmw | VMware: indicates if session is tunneled. Possible values: true , false . |
String | true | Win | |
SessionBrokerTunnelUrlVmw | VMware: URL of the View Connection Server tunnel connection. | String | | Win | |
SessionBrokerRemoteIpVmw | VMware broker remote IP address. | String | | Win | |
SessionBrokerUserVmw | VMware broker user name. | String | John | Win | |
SessionBrokerDomainVmw | VMware broker user domain name. | String | Doe | Win | |
SessionClientTimezoneVmw | VMware client timezone. | String | Europe/Italy | Win | |
SessionClientIdVmw | VMware client ID. | String | c47c60cf41ec44829ff91e1822b24dd8 | Win | |
SessionTypeVmw | VMware session type. Possible values: application , desktop . |
String | application | Win | |
SessionBrokerType | Remoting broker type. Possible values: Citrix , Microsoft , VMware , Nutanix Frame , none , unknown , Unsupported broker: [number] . |
String | Citrix | Win | |
SessionFgAppId | Foreground application ID. Used by uberAgent to look up application names and populate the field SessionFgAppName . |
String | GglChrm | all | |
SessionFgAppVersion | Foreground application version. | String | 67.0.3396.99 | all | |
SessionFgProcessName | Foreground process name. | String | chrome.exe | all | |
SessionFgProcessId | Foreground process ID. | Number | 456 | all | |
SessionFgBrowserType | If the foreground window is a browser: browser type. Possible values: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . Also see the field SessionFgBrowserDisplayName . |
Number | 1 | all | |
SessionFgBrowserActiveTabHost | If the foreground window is a browser: the URL of active tab. See this KB article for troubleshooting empty values. | String | | all | |
SessionFgWindowTitle | The title of the active foreground window. | String | Search | Splunk 7.2.1 - Google Chrome | all | |
SessionClientHwIdCtx2 | Citrix client hardware ID. | Number | 409D39C2 | Win | |
SessionRoundTripTimeMs | Citrix session round trip time. | Number | ms | 50 | Win |
SessionFps | Remoting protocol frames per second at collection time. Only available for Citrix and Nutanix Frame sessions. | Number | 20 | Win | |
SessionTransportProtocols | The protocol chain used for this connection. Only available for Citrix sessions. | String | UDP-CGP-ICA | Win | |
SessionInputDelayMaxMs | Maximum input delay per timer interval and session. | Number | ms | 15 | all |
SessionInputDelaySumMs | Sum of input delay per timer interval and session. | Number | ms | 500 | all |
SessionInputDelayCount | PerfMon event count per timer interval and session. | Number | 50 | all |
List of Calculated Fields
Field | Description | Data type | Unit | Example | Where available |
AppName | Application name. Source is the field SessionFgAppId . |
String | Google Chrome | Splunk data model, Splunk SPL | |
SessionCPUTimeS | Session CPU usage (absolute usage in seconds). | Number | s | 3 | Splunk data model |
SessionIODurationMs |
SessionIOLatencyMs x SessionIOCount . |
Number | ms | 90000 | Splunk data model |
SessionRAMUsagePercent | Percentage of the machine’s RAM used by the session. | Number | % | 34 | Splunk data model |
User | Alias for SessionUser . |
String | Domain\JohnDoe | Splunk data model | |
SessionUserLower | User name converted to lower case. | String | domain\johndoe | Splunk data model | |
SessionDisplaySpecs |
SessionHRes + "x" + SessionVRes + "x" + SessionColorDepth . |
String | 1920x1080x32 | Splunk data model | |
SessionPublishedAppsCtxSplit |
SessionPublishedAppsCtx split by semicolon. |
String | Word;Excel | Splunk data model | |
SessionPublishedAppsCtxSplitLower |
SessionPublishedAppsCtxSplit converted to lower case. |
String | word;excel | Splunk data model | |
SessionFgAppName | Foreground application name. | String | Google Chrome | Splunk data model, Splunk SPL | |
SessionFgBrowserDisplayName | Foreground browser name. Possible values: Chrome , Internet Explorer , Firefox , Edge , Citrix Enterprise Browser . |
String | Chrome | Splunk data model, Splunk SPL | |
SessionClientHwIdCtx |
SessionClientHwIdCtx2 or SessionClientHwIdCtx , whichever is present. |
Number | 409D39C2 | Splunk data model |
Session Metrics
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