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Devices and OUs

In the Devices section of the Scout Board, you can map the structures of your organization and manage the devices within organizational units (OUs). The OU structure makes it easier for you to both configure and manage your devices.

  • The device configuration depends on the OU.

Different device configurations can be represented well by OUs. By default, the device configuration is inherited from the base - at the top of the OU tree - down through all existing OU levels to the devices. At each level, you have the option to break the inheritance. Even a single device can have an independent device configuration. For further information, see Concept in the [Scout] guide.

  • Applications are defined for OUs.

Application definitions are inherited from the top down, just like device configuration. At each level, you can decide whether you want to inherit applications from above – or prefer to define applications dedicated to that level.

  • Manage schedules and perform commands

Scout commands such as a device restart or a firmware update can be sent to all devices of an OU simultaneously. If commands are not to be executed immediately, they can be scheduled for a later time. The commands are then managed as schedules with an OU. You can also use schedules to define periodic execution of certain commands.

Alternatively, you can assign commands, schedules and other functions to selected devices in the [All devices ] or [[Dynamic Device Groups]] views.

So, within the OU structure, inheritance applies by default: applications – or more precisely application definitions – are inherited by subordinate OUs. Device configurations are inherited down to the device level. When a new device is added to an OU, it automatically receives the application definitions and configuration of this OU.

For further information, see Concept in the Scout guide.

Devices and OUs