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Commands and schedules

Commands can be issued to OUs, Dynamic Device Groups and individual devices.The following commands are available in the Technical Preview:

  • Switch on

  • Restart

  • Switch off

  • Send message

  • Reset configuration

  • Deliver software[1[[ ]from Scout 15 2304]]

  • Pre-defined command[2[[ ]from Scout 15 2304]]

If a command is not executed immediately, it is saved as a schedule. A schedule can be defined for one-time execution or for periodic execution.

Schedules are displayed for each OU in the device list on a separate tab. The number of existing schedules is additionally shown in the [OU structure] for each OU, along with the number of existing devices and applications.

You may create commands or schedules for the following target devices:

  • a device of a [device list] (all three views)

  • the devices of an OU in the [OU structure], optionally additionally on all devices in subordinate OUs

  • the devices of a [Dynamic Device Groups]

To create a command or schedule, open the [Actions] menu for the target devices. To do this, click on More actions icon to the right of the device, OU or Dynamic Device Group.

Creating a command


Means a Scout command that is executed immediately.

  1. For the target devices, open the [Actions] menu, then choose [Commands], and then the desired command.

  2. Leave the setting for [Type] (time) on [Now].

    If you do not want to execute a command right away, set a one-time execution time or even a periodic execution, see Creating a schedule.

  3. In the [Command] dialog, edit the remaining fields.Common options are the following:

    Option Description
    Inform users The relevant users will receive a message before the command is executed.
    Include subordinated OUs The command is additionally applied to all devices in subordinate OUs.

    For further information, see Command options in the [Scout] guide.

  4. Click Execute.

The command is executed immediately.

Creating a schedule


Means a Scout command that is scheduled for later execution.

  1. For the target devices, open the Actions menu, then choose Commands, and then the desired command.

  2. Under Type (time), select either [Once] or [Repeat every].

  3. If you intend to plan a one-time execution, then select the date and time.

  4. If you intend to plan a periodic execution, select [either] one day per month [or] one day of the week below it.

    Schedule periodic options  
    1 Option A: Choose a fixed day per month (for example, every 5th.)
    2 Option B: Choose a fixed day per week (for example, every Tuesday)

    Specify the time.

  5. In the Command dialog, edit the remaining fields. For further information, see Command options(/en-us/unicon-elux-scout/admin_guides/scout/commands/commands_options.html) in the Scout guide.

  6. Click Execute.

A schedule is created for the planned one-time or periodic execution of the command.

Commands and schedules