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Mirroring a device

– from [eLux RP 6 2302] –

Individual devices can be mirrored if they are switched on and the following requirements are met.

unicon icon

The target device must have installed [eLux RP 6 2209] or later.
A VNC server must be installed on the target device. For this, the VNC Server extension feature package included in the eLux package XOrg must be installed.
Mirroring must be enabled and configured for the target device in Device Configuration > Security > Mirror settings.
  1. Select a device on a [device list] (all three views).

  2. Click icon to open the device’s [Actions] menu and choose [Mirror].


    Your browser must allow pop-ups.

    The mirrored device is displayed in a new browser tab.

  3. If configured in Device Configuration > Security, a password is required for mirroring. On the new tab, enter the password.

Depending on the device configuration, users must confirm the mirroring request within a defined time span before a session can be initiated.

For further information, see Configuring mirroring in the Scout guide.

1 New browser tab for the mirror session
2 IP address of the mirrored device
3 Options for the mirror session
4 Permanent system message

Role of the system message

Throughout a mirror session, a system message (4) will be displayed on the screens of the user (mirrored) [and] administrator (mirroring):

  • The message remains permanently in the foreground and indicates that mirroring is active.

  • The mirrored user can end the session at any time ([Quit] button).

  • The mirrored user can specify that the administrator may only read, which means that he is not allowed to take control of the mirrored device ([Read only] option).

Configuring a remote session

During a mirror session, there are several options available.

  • At top right, click [Configure remote session]:
cionfigure remote session  
1 Disconnect mirror session. The session window and tab are closed.
2 Send [Ctrl+Alt+Entf] into the session, for example to make a logon
3 Show session window in full screen mode. To return to window mode, press[Esc]
4 Fit session window to browser window.Depending on the aspect ratio, the entire screen of the mirrored device may not be displayed.
5 Adjust session window in maximum size to the local situation (default)

The set options for the session window size are saved in the browser for the current user.

For further information, see Mirroringin the Scout guide.

Mirroring a device