
Installing uberAgent

Installing uberAgent is quick and straightforward. Due to the product’s flexibility, there is often more than one way of doing things. In such a case we describe the recommended configuration and link to supported alternatives.


  • Read about the architecture options.
  • Review the uberAgent licensing guide
  • If you do not have a running Splunk installation yet set up Splunk.
  • Download uberAgent and extract the archive. You should have a directory uberAgent components with the following content:

    • A subdirectory uberAgent_endpoint
    • Packed Splunk app uberAgent_indexer.tgz
    • Packed Splunk app uberAgent_searchhead.tgz
    • Packed Splunk app uberAgent_ESA_searchhead.tgz

Installation Steps

Installing uberAgent consists of the following steps:

  1. Installing the Splunk apps
  2. Installing the Windows endpoint agent
  3. Installing the macOS endpoint agent
  4. Installing Splunk Universal Forwarder (optional)
  5. Installing the Chrome browser extension (optional)
  6. Installing the Edge Browser Extension (optional)
  7. Installing the Firefox Browser Extension (optional)
  8. Installing the Internet Explorer Browser Extension (optional)
Installing uberAgent