StoreFront 1912 LTSR reached end-of-life on 18-Dec-2024. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of StoreFront.



Enable or disable favorites

Use the User Subscriptions screen to do select one of the following options:

  • Allow users to create and remove favourites (Self Service Store). Users can favourite an app by clicking the star on the app tile. Users can click the star again un-favourite an app. Favourite apps are displayed on the Home tab.
  • Disable favourites (Mandatory Store). Users cannot favourite or un-favourite apps. The home tab is not displayed.

Disabling subscriptions does not delete the Store subscription data. Re-enabling subscriptions for the store will allow the user to see their favourites whenever they next log on.

  1. Select the Stores node in the left pane of the Citrix StoreFront management console and, in the results pane, select a store. In the Actions pane, click Configure Store Settings
  2. Click on the User Subscriptions tab to toggle the user favourites feature off or on.
  3. Choose Enable user subscriptions (Self Service Store) to enable favourites.
  4. Choose Disable user subscriptions (Mandatory Store) to disable favourites.

Sceenshot of Configure store settings window, User Subscriptions tab

Alternatively, you can use the PowerShell cmdlet Get-STFStoreService to configure user subscriptions for a store, for example:

$StoreObject = Get-STFStoreService -SiteID 1 -VirtualPath "/citrix/<yourstore>" Set-STFStoreService -StoreService $StoreObject -LockedDown $True -Confirm:$False
Enable or disable favorites