StoreFront 1912 LTSR reached end-of-life on 18-Dec-2024. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of StoreFront.



Category Settings

Within Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, you can assign each application to a category as described in the Applications article. Use the \ symbol to create a folder hierarchy of categories. Within StoreFront, you can configure how this folder hierarchy is displayed.

Screenshot of application properties in studio

To modify category settings, go to Edit Receiver for web site and select the Category Settings tab.

Screenshot of Category Settings screen

Category view

In the expanded view, StoreFront displays a list of top level categories. When the user clicks a top level category, StoreFront displays all apps in all subcategories on one page.

For example, if you have a category Browser with subcategory Legacy then it shows all browsers including those under legacy on one page:

Screenshot of Category Settings screen

In the collapsed view, StoreFront initially displays a list of top level categories, and optionally all uncategorized apps. When the user clicks a category, StoreFront displays only the immediate contents (subcategories and apps) of the selected category. The user can click each subcategory to expand the contents.

Screenshot of Category Settings screen

Uncategorized apps

In the collapsed view, clear the Move uncategorized apps into an “Uncategorized” folder option to display all apps and desktops without categories on the initial view. This behavior is similar to earlier versions of StoreFront.

Screenshot of Category Settings screen

In the collapsed view, check Move uncategorized apps into an “Uncategorized” folder to move all the apps and desktops without categories into a separate Uncategorized folder.

Screenshot of Category Settings screen

Configure category settings using PowerShell SDK

To use the PowerShell SDK to enable or disable category view call cmdlet Set-STFWebReceiverUserInterface with parameter EnableAppsFolderView.

To use the PowerShell SDK to change the category view call cmdlet Set-STFWebReceiverUserInterface with parameter CategoryViewCollapsed.

Category Settings