StoreFront 1912 LTSR reached end-of-life on 18-Dec-2024. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of StoreFront.



Cumulative Update 2 (CU2)

Release date: January 31, 2025

About this release

Known issues in this release

Citrix Product Subscription Advantage Eligibility Dates

Citrix Workspace app for HTML5

This release includes Citrix Workspace app for HTML5

What’s new in 2402 LTSR CU2

Modern experience - General availability

The new modern experience is now generally available for on-premises stores. This UI, which was previously available only for cloud stores, ensures a consistent look and feel across cloud and on-prem stores.

The new user interface is designed to enhance and simplify the end-user experience to access Citrix apps and desktops. It reduces visual complexity, provides easy access to essential features, and refines the StoreFront app experience. It supports new features, such as Activity Manager that facilitate effective management of your virtual apps and desktop resources. Note: In this article, the current UI experience has been referred to as the classic experience.

To enable the modern experience, see User Experience.

The modern experience brings the following key improvements:

  • Activity Manager: Enables quick actions on active virtual apps and desktops, saving resources and optimizing performance. For more information, see Activity Manager.
  • Enhanced categorization of apps: Multi-level folder structures that are responsive to the user’s screen size. For more information, see categorization of apps.
  • Improved Search capabilities: New search capabilities provide for better and faster results. For more information, see Search feature.

For more information, see Modern experience.

Fixed issues since the technical preview

  • When you change the UI experience for an existing store, users connecting through locally installed Citrix Workspace app aren’t updated. They must remove the store and add it back to their app. [WSP-21493]
  • Activity Manager operations such as Logout, Disconnect, and more aren’t supported for applications that have App Protection policies enabled. [WSP-21324]
  • Citrix workspace web extensions are not supported. [WSUI-8503]
  • Direct SAML authentication using a web browser is not supported. [WSUI-9415]
  • App protection for hybrid launches are now supported. Apps requiring App Protection are never displayed. [WSUI-9593]
  • On Citrix Workspace app for iOS, the user’s initials aren’t displayed on the avatar. [WSUI-8482]
  • On Citrix Workspace app for Windows, Mac and Linux when connecting via a gateway, after logging off, the Back to sign in option does not work. [RFWIN-33017], [RFMAC-15496], [RFLNX-11065]
  • Activity manager cannot retrieve sessions from more resource feeds than can be enumerated concurrently. [WSP-24122]
  • In the Edit Receiver for Web Site screen, when Next generation experience is selected, settings are displayed that are not relevant to the experience. [WSP-20560]
  • Settings to hide the Already Installed option and prevent ICA downloads are ignored.

Fixed issues in 2402 LTSR CU2

StoreFront 2402 LTSR CU2 contains all fixes included in CU1, and the following are the new fixes:

  • Adding custom footers to Receiver for Web site by inserting content with the customBottom ID of the StoreFront customization API might result in unexpected customization behavior. [CVADHELP-26564]

  • After upgrading StoreFront 2402 to 2402 CU1, German-language device users might be unable to sign in to the Citrix Workspace app and Citrix Workspace web client on browsers. The sign-in page might load with no result.

    For more information, see CTX691873.

    Note that any Citrix Workspace app client that encounters this issue and goes into a bad state must be removed and re-added to the store. [CVADHELP-26301]

  • When enabling ICA signing using the PowerShell command Set-STFStoreService $storeService -IcaFileSigning $true, the command doesn’t set the necessary permissions on the certificate, causing ICA signing to fail. [CVADHELP-26649]

  • End users can’t launch the desktop if the published name contains non-English characters. The issue occurs after Citrix Workspace web extension is enabled. [CVADHELP-25773]

  • During an outage, when the connectors go into Local Host Cache mode, StoreFront needs to send launch requests to the connector in the same zone as the resource. When a resource is available in multiple zones, previously, StoreFront would only try to launch the resource in one zone.

    With this enhancement, if the attempt to start a resource in one zone fails, in some cases StoreFront server tries to make another attempt to start the resource using connectors in other available zones to improve resilience. [WSP-23898]

Cumulative Update 2 (CU2)