
Application Name to ID Mapping Metrics

Application Name to ID Mapping

uberAgent maps application names to IDs to save data volume sent over the network.

Note: processes are auto-grouped into applications, i.e. the application name is determined automatically without requiring any configuration. Information on how this works are available here.


  • Source type: uberAgent:Application:AppNameIdMapping
  • Used in dashboards: n/a
  • Enabled through configuration setting: AppNameIdMapping
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: all

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Measurement type Example
AppName Application name. String   Snapshot Google Chrome
AppId Associated application ID. Used by uberAgent to lookup application names and populate field AppName. Number   Snapshot GlgChrm
Application Name to ID Mapping Metrics