
Citrix Session Metrics

Virtual Channel Detail

uberAgent collects the input and output data volume for every virtual channel per Citrix session.


  • Source type: uberAgent:CitrixSession:VirtualChannelDetail
  • Used in dashboards: Citrix Session Protocol Insights, Single User Detail, Analyze data over time

  • Enabled through configuration setting: CitrixSessionVirtualChannelDetail
  • Related configuration settings: CitrixSessionConfig

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example Platform
SessionGUID Unique identifier that is generated by uberAgent when the session is created. Valid for this session only. String   00000002-f295-9109-e7c7-c964011dd401 Windows
SessionUser User name. String   Domain\JohnDoe Windows
VirtualChannelVendorName A unique identifier for a virtual channel. String   CTXTW Windows
VirtualChannelDataVolumeInputMB Amount of data volume received by the session per virtual channel. Number MB 1 Windows
VirtualChannelDataVolumeOutputMB Amount of data volume sent by the session per virtual channel. Number MB 10 Windows

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
VirtualChannelDataVolumeInputOutputMB Total virtual channel data volume. Number MB 11 Splunk data model
VirtualChannelDisplayName Descriptive virtual channel name. Possible values: too many to list here. Please check the lookup file citrixsession_virtualchannels.csv. String   Thinwire Graphics SPL
VirtualChannel Content of VirtualChannelDisplayName. If VirtualChannelDisplayName is not filled, VirtualChannelVendorName is used instead. String   Thinwire Graphics Splunk data model

Session Config

uberAgent collects detailed information about applied Citrix HDX policies and important active session settings.


  • Source type: uberAgent:CitrixSession:SessionConfig
  • Used in dashboards: Citrix Session Configuration Details, Single User Detail
  • Enabled through configuration setting: CitrixSessionConfig
  • Related configuration settings: CitrixSessionVirtualChannelDetail, TriggerCitrixSessionConfig

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example Platform
SessionGUID Unique identifier that is generated by uberAgent when the session is created. Valid for this session only. String   00000002-f295-9109-e7c7-c964011dd401 Windows
SessionUser User name. String   Domain\JohnDoe Windows
AudioActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for audio. String   RealTime Windows
AudioPolicyAllowMicrophoneRedirection Citrix policy to allow/deny microphone redirection. String   1 Windows
AudioPolicyAllowRedirection Citrix policy to allow/deny audio redirection. String   1 Windows
AudioPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   RealTime Windows
AudioPolicySoundQuality Citrix policy to configure the sound quality. String   High Windows
CdmActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for client drive mapping. String   Medium Windows
CdmVolumes Volumes the client mapped into the session. String   Local Disk (C: on MACHINE1) Windows
CdmPolicyAllowDriveRedirection Citrix policy to allow/deny client drive mapping. String   1 Windows
CdmPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   Medium Windows
CdmPolicyReadOnly Citrix policy to allow/deny read-only client drive access. String   1 Windows
DisplayMode Active display mode. See DisplayModeName for details. Number   4 Windows
ThinwireActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for this display mode. String   High Windows
ThinwireColorDepth Applied session color depth. Number bit 24 Windows
ThinwireComponentEncoder Applied video component encoder. String   DeepCompressionV2Encoder Windows
ThinwireHardwareEncodeInUse See if hardware encode is actually in use. String   1 Windows
ThinwireVideoCodecType Applied video codec type. String   H264 Windows
ThinwireColorspace Applied session color space. String   Yuv420 Windows
ThinwireVideoCodecUse Applied video codec usage setting. String   For actively changing regions Windows
ThinwirePolicyFps Citrix policy to configure the maximum session FPS. Number   30 Windows
ThinwirePolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   High Windows
ThinwirePolicyUseHardwareEncoding Citrix policy to enable/disable hardware encoding. String   1 Windows
ThinwirePolicyUseVideoCodec Citrix policy to configure the video codec. String   UseVideoCodecIfPreferred Windows
ThinwirePolicyVisualQuality Citrix policy to configure the visual quality. String   Medium Windows
FramehawkActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for this display mode. String   High Windows
FramehawkPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   High Windows
D3DActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for this display mode. String   High Windows
D3DPolicyAeroRedirection Citrix policy to enable/disable DCR aero redirection. String   1 Windows
D3DPolicyGraphicsQuality Citrix policy to configure the DCR graphics quality. String   Medium Windows
D3DPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   High Windows
GraphicsActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for this display mode. String   High Windows
GraphicsPolicyDisplayDegradeNotifyUser Citrix policy to notify the user about display quality degradation. String   1 Windows
GraphicsPolicyDisplayDegradePolicy Citrix policy to configure the display quality degradation. String   DEGRADE_RESOLUTION_FIRST Windows
GraphicsPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   High Windows
NetworkConnectedVia IP address the session connected from. This is the same information as shown in Citrix Director. String Windows
NetworkEdtMtu Applied Enlightened Data Transport MTU size. Number   1400 Windows
NetworkPolicyAcceptSessionReliabilityConnections Citrix policy to enable/disable session reliability. String   1 Windows
NetworkPolicyICAListenerPortNumber Citrix policy to configure the ICA listener port. Number   1494 Windows
NetworkPolicySessionReliabilityPort Citrix policy to configure the session reliability port. Number   2598 Windows
NetworkPolicySessionReliabilityTimeout Citrix policy to configure the session reliability timeout. Number s 180 Windows
PrinterActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for printing. String   Low Windows
PrinterSessionPrinter All mapped session printers. String   Microsoft Print to PDF (from MACHINE1) in session 9 Windows
PrinterPolicyAllowRedirection Citrix policy to allow/deny printer redirection. String   1 Windows
PrinterPolicyAllowRedirection Citrix policy to allow/deny printer redirection. String   Allowed Windows
PrinterPolicyAutoCreateClientPrinters Citrix policy to configure printer auto-creation. See PrinterPolicyAutoCreateClientPrintersDisplayName for details. Number   3 Windows
PrinterPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   Low Windows
USBActualPriority Applied virtual channel priority for USB devices. String   Medium Windows
USBPolicyAllowPNPRedirection Citrix policy to allow/deny PNP redirection. String   1 Windows
USBPolicyAllowUSBSupport Citrix policy to allow/deny USB support. String   1 Windows
USBPolicyPriority Citrix policy to set the virtual channel priority. String   Medium Windows

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
DisplayModeName Descriptive display mode name. Possible values: Thinwire, Framehawk, DCR, Legacy Graphics. String   Thinwire SPL
PrinterPolicyAutoCreateClientPrintersDisplayName Descriptive name of how client printer creation is configured. Possible values: Do not auto-create client printers, Auto-create the client's default printer only, Auto-create local (non-network) client printers only, Auto-create all client printers. String   Auto-create the client’s default printer only SPL
Citrix Session Metrics